Its Ok to ask God for more

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk (APRIL 2016 BLOGS. WEEK 1) IT’S OK TO ASK GOD FOR MORE-2 Kings 13:18-19 Then he (Elisha) said, “Take the arrows”; so he took them. And he said to the king of Israel, “Strike the ground”; so he struck three times, and stopped. 19 And the man of God was angry

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Flip It

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk (MARCH 2016 BLOGS. WEEK 4) FLIP IT-When faced with adversities, sudden emergencies, uncertainties of life, sudden bad news, anxiety or fear. I am learning that the first reaction is to turn the presenting negative situation to positive by declaring the Word of God and taking positive productive steps on the situation;

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Our homes are healed

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk (MARCH 2016 BLOGS. WEEK 3) OUR HOMES ARE HEALED -Two Sundays ago after church, while overtaken by His presence, I heard Him say very clearly “your house is healed”. As I pondered into the declaration, God showed me that the healing was from negative or contrary words that had been spoken

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You are complete in Christ

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk (MARCH 2016 BLOGS. WEEK 1) YOU ARE COMPLETE IN CHRIST-Be encouraged this week because Jesus has made you complete. You are whole the way you are; so do not let anyone or any situation convince you otherwise. You are complete because It was finished-At the Cross, Christ declared that it was

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Signs and Symptoms of Soul Ties

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk (FEBRUARY 2016 BLOGS. Week 4) SIGNS & SYMPTOMS OF SOUL TIES- Thanks to many who responded privately and openly on this week’s blog from Sunday. From personal experience, at times I have experienced faster deliverance and healing because I had knowledge or insight of what I wanted freedom from. For those

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God’s sure Love

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk (FEBRUARY 2016 BLOGS. Week 3) GOD’S SURE LOVE is for those who may think are unloved or rejected” for those who have been, dumped, used, exploited, frustrated, experienced broken engagements, the divorced and widowed. Let us PURSUE HEALING THIS WEEK – Valentine’s day may have come to many as somber or

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