"Her love for missions is in response to God’s mandate to evangelize and disciple nations."

Pauline believes she has been called to be an end-time minister assigned to get the bride ready to gather the harvest and bring billions to heaven.

help prepare the world for the harvest

give the gift of salvation

Latest blogs

valleys are launching pads for advancement

In Christian circles, valleys are often associated with challenges, pain, and even death. However, I’ve come to realize that part of walking with God—and life in general—includes both good times and difficult ones. The pleasant moments are often described as mountain tops, while the difficult times are referred to as valleys. Yet, valleys shouldn’t be

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women are a powerful force in spiritual warfare

Many stories of the battles mentioned in the Bible help address spiritual matters and life challenges. In the Bible, the Book of Judges presents various accounts of women confronting key leaders of Israel’s enemies and overcoming them. First, Deborah ruled and judged Israel, followed by Jael, who dealt with Sisera. Then, there was the unnamed

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Pauline's core messages


Carefully crafted words to nourish your soul, strengthen your faith, and heal the soul.


Our salvation encompasses deliverance and freedom in Jesus Christ.


With over 7 books and a growing library of courses, we equip you to help the mission.


In addition to our weekly blogs, we have a series of video lessons via our YouTube channel


Personalized ministerial, spiritual and professional development guidance.