Unbeknownst to Pauline, preparation for ministry started at an incredibly young age. Even before accepting Jesus, I often prayed and sought God in solitude. As a child, I could sense God’s presence while singing hymns; the atmosphere would change as I sang. I knew God was in my spirit because I would end up in a solemn silence that drove me to tears. After receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior at 12 years old, I was drawn to praying, reading the Bible, and the Holy Spirit . The night I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and I had a dream that I now believe was an overview of my journey to ministry.
As the years passed, I continued to serve God in various capacities in churches and Christian fellowships. Intimacy with God was a common occurrence. When I was 14 years old, I started enjoying the teachings of evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. I first heard him on the radio when he was ministering in a crusade in Kisumu, Kenya. From that time on, I envisioned myself preaching in large stadiums just like him, but I had no clue that this was a sign of my calling. Later, in my twenties, I developed a strong desire to pursue Bible school; but instead, I chose a corporate career track that led me to the top, reporting to the president and the board of directors by the age of 36. I now believe that my actual journey to ministry started shortly after leaving that job.
God used the ten months after this to realign me with my calling and to start preparing me for this ongoing journey in ministry. However, the real preparation for ministry started in April 2009, when I spent most of my time in prayer, fasting, seeking God, and being renewed spiritually. I spent most of my nights writing sermons and teachings and filing them away. I had no idea then that God had started training me for ministry. In my book “The Alternative Plan,” I chronicle my restoration over those ten months of deep fellowship with God. It was during this period that I also developed a burden for the unsaved. I pictured myself preaching in stadiums. I had always admired television preachers, saying, “I would like to do that too.” However, I was still far from recognizing that God had already called me.
My preparation and journey to ministry have been under the sole tutelage of the Holy Spirit and guidance from my pastors. In May 2013, I had an utterance while I was in private prayer, giving me a mandate of my calling and assignment. That utterance was confirmed within a week through a prophetic encounter that specified my actual calling. With that, I actively and purposely decided to seek God and cooperate with the Holy Spirit in preparation for ministry. I committed to pursuing God and doing my best at what God has assigned me to do. My calling was later confirmed in 2015, and even after that — through other respected prophets and their prophecies — regarding the specificity of my calling and assignments. I have detailed my ministry journey in my second book, “Called to Ministry, Now What?”
One evening in October 2015, after returning from a speaking engagement, I asked God what I should call this ministry. Before that day, I had been so careful not to assign myself a title or name my ministry. I had already determined that the ministry must be Christ-focused and Christ-centered, so I shared those thoughts with a friend. My friend responded, “That is the ministry of Jesus Christ.” I brushed it off, reminding my friend that Christ did not have a name for His ministry. Two months later, shortly after returning from another engagement, I received a call from my dear mother. In our conversation, Mom encouraged and blessed me over the phone. As we ended the call, she said, “Be strong, don’t be afraid, keep preaching about Christ alone. Do not deviate. Your ministry is the ministry of Jesus Christ international. You must preach the Word to all nations!”
As we hung up, I was trembling. I sat speechless for a moment, then I began crying as I realized that The Ministry of Jesus Christ International, Inc. was confirmed and birthed! The Ministry of Jesus Christ International was officially launched and dedicated on September 17, 2016, with a mandate to harvest the fields. The symbols on the logo represent the directives the Lord gave me in a vision that correspond to this mandate: fields of dry wheat ready for harvest, a silver bowl, and a sickle. The mandate was “Fill the bowl, Pauline!”
Note: The Ministry of Jesus Christ International, Inc. (MJC) is a U.S.-registered nonprofit organization with tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.