Nothing can or will separate us from the love of God

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk
(FEBRUARY 2016 BLOGS. Week 2)

NOTHING CAN or WILL SEPARATE YOU FROM THE LOVE OF GOD. No worst sin, no imperfection, no man, no woman, no clergy, no situation, no nation, no principality, no death nor life, not present things or things to come can separate you from the Love of God.

  • God loves each of us unconditionally and ever present, enduring forever
  • His Love for us is IRREVOCABLE
  • He loves us the way we are, because He created in His own image.
  • God is Love; He is personified in us through Love
  • His Love brings, joy and inner peace, not the contrary
  • God’s Love for us manifests in His protection of us, His Defense & Deliverance, His healings and salvation, His restoration and Restitution
  • His Love, is a preservative love; we are His Chosen Treasures, Apples of His eyes, set apart for Him, engraved in the palm of His Hands, God’s Beloved
  • God’s love extends to Royalty, Peculiarity, Uniqueness, fearfully created, that is what we are in Him
  • He enjoys our fellowship, worship and praises. In term, He rejoices over us with singing and praise
  • God’s love is very closer than that of a sister, brother or parent
  • His love is very accommodating, embracing and welcoming. He calls each us by our names, apparently, we are also His friends
  • He has no restriction as to when we can contact Him or address Him. He is ever present in the time of need.
  • In Him we are never alone, though occasionally lonely, in those moments, He is still there as the Omnipresent God, the Comforter and Counsellor; the Person of the Holy Spirit
  • His Loves shows up as our Redeemer, Savior and Friend
  • We are ever in the company of the Highest God, Jesus Christ who constantly intercedes for us and the Holy Spirit. This is the magnitude of the Love of God. In addition, to giving us His Son to die for us, God has also afforded us unselfishly; His
  • Fullness. That as His Children we have accessibility to The Trinity.

Our God is the Ultimate Love. GOD LOVES US. Whenever God sees us, He says I love you. RECEIVE, ACCEPT GOD’s LOVE Today. EMBRACE this Love this entire week. The one the Lord loves, rests upon His shoulders. Happy Valentine’s day. Happy Valentine’s week.
Be encouraged, God is Faithful and Dependable.
Blessings and Love in Christ Jesus- Pauline

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