Word of Encouragement: Portals of Revelation are Open: Scriptures:- Jeremiah 33:2-3-This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it—the Lord is his name: Call to me, and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

As prophetic people would know, when prophecy is released, we need to process or “digest it” and then share what has been released in pieces. In this blog, I will share the final position of prophecies I received for this season that I sensed began at the beginning of August. It is an encouraging word. May God unlock the untapped portals of revelation so that we gain the benefits of what He releases in this season.

In the month of new beginnings, an additional grace has been released – the gift of revelation and new levels of it. Revelation provides us with the information we need to unlock our untapped potential. Through the portals of revelation, believers can access unseen, unheard, and deep treasures or secret things (as referenced in Jeremiah 33:3, Isaiah 64:4, and 1 Cor:2-10). This revelation is made possible through a partnership with the Holy Spirit, resulting in a deeper understanding of Scripture, spiritual principles, strategies, and ideas. As a result, we will have an upgrade in our perception and operation. The portals of heaven are open, allowing each believer to partake in this upgrade. As Jacob did in Bethel, angels will ascend and descend with instructions and direction. We should also anticipate an increase in angelic activity, dreams, and visions; or an increase in the ways we hear from God.

When God promises us more, it’s vital that we don’t become complacent or settle for mediocrity. Instead, we should anticipate the release of new blessings and opportunities. We can operate spiritually and practically at higher levels by applying the insights we gain. This new knowledge will help us break old mindsets and inspire us to be more creative. In fact, we may be flooded with new ideas! The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding expresses an essential attribute for successful living. We must seek God’s guidance on how and when to implement them. With this increased creativity, we can accomplish much more in less time. We’ll be able to recover lost time and resources and achieve our goals more quickly than ever before. This is the acceleration that comes with divine revelation!

Look forward to the Restoratory Revelation!