Covered we are permanently insured

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk

COVERED! WE ARE PERMANENTLY INSURED-Nothing can separate us from the Love of God. As believers, this is the ultimate insurance we have in Christ Jesus! So, what do you think? Romans 8:31-39 (Please read these verses in the Message Version). We are covered because:

Insured by Gods permanent, inseparable, unceasing, unconditional and everlasting love for us.

  • We have coverage of His define protection by God declaring that nothing whether above or on earth, angelic or demonic can separate us from Him. This is our Father’s protective love. Hence the reinforcement that no weapon formed against us shall prevail against us.
  • Insured and assured of God’s divine provision -A Father’s love that provides for His children, us. In fact, Jesus asks, what kind of father would give his children stones when they ask for bread. Hence ask and it shall be given, moreover, do not be anxious for anything but with prayer, supplication with thanksgiving make our requests known to Him… and the Lord shall supply all— (oh I am getting too excited writing this! About to shout and jump!)
  • We are covered because – we are enriched in every way; we are partakers of His divine nature. We rule and reign with Him. God withholds no good thing from us, instead He generously shares. He shared Christ. After Christ God now shares the Holy Spirit with us, we are not left without this Wonderful Company.

I was so encouraged by the revelation of these verses Romans 8:31-39 this morning! Thank you Holy Spirit. This is the love that surpasses human understanding. God’s love results in peace, joy. It is the ONLY LOVE THAT COMPLETES! AND NOTHING CAN SEPARATE US FROM THIS LOVE! So this week, let’s keep our heads way up, walk with an attitude. We are fully covered, saved, healed, delivered, restored, protected, forgiven, preserved…CHRIST ALREADY PAID THE DEDUCTABLE! COVERE…. D & FULLY INSURED! Be encouraged, God is Faithful and Dependable.
Blessings and Love in Christ Jesus- Pauline

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