Each year we look forward to what the “Word of Lord” is. Prophetic voices across the world often have these words prepared in advance for release at the beginning of the year. To those who are not familiar with this phrase, “word of the Lord” are instructions or directions inspired by the Holy Spirit through genuine prophetic voices for believers to expect and steward accordingly. These “words” cover many areas, including personal, national, global, and even weather patterns. You may have already received such “words from your church or the fellowship you belong to. My approach to these annual “words” has been to review them all and only steward what my spirit attests to. Most often, the Holy Spirit would have already enlightened me with the “the words” so what I receive from the prophetic voices serve either as confirmations or provide additional details on what I already know.

But have you ever considered that God has specific words for you this year?  God has a word for you daily and monthly. Also, note that as you journey with God, He will have specific words in different seasons or stages of your life. These words are specific to the plans and purposes He has for you. God says that I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future-Jeremiah 29:11 Further in Psalms, we learn of a book where our destinies are outlined. King David mentions this book in Psalm 139: 15-16, saying; my frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. If God already has plans for you, those plans are on the calendar to be implemented on schedule on specific years, months, and days. I firmly believe that God has a unique plan for me daily!

Consider asking God for the “Word” that He has for you in 2021. This word will be specific to His plans and purposes; they are specific things God wants to occur in your life, just as you have specific things you want God to accomplish for you in 2021. You should be free to ask God because He is a Father who will not withhold good things from His children (Psalm 84:11, Matthew 7:11). You should be free to ask because he commands us to “ask and it shall be given” (Matthew 7:7-8). You should be free to ask because God wants to see you succeed in life. The other reason you should ask God for what He has for you in 2021 is to remain focused and committed to that. This plan (s) will be your vision or goal- it is energizing to have something to work toward.

Asking God for His plans for you in 2021 is also a form of surrender- in other words, you are saying, “Lord, your will be done for me on earth as it is in heaven. This is prioritizing God’s purposes.  When this happens God will respond with “thy kingdom come” where God invades and influences those plans with His Kingdom! Well, in addition to the kingdom of God being righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, whatever God breathes on is full of life, comes with exceeding fruitfulness, abundance, overflow, longevity, great inheritance, and leftovers, such as manna provided for the Israelites (Genesis 16), when Jesus multiplied food (Matthew 14:13-21), or when he told his disciples to cast their fishing net again (John 21:6-13). When we enthrone God first, when we seek Him first, He tends to do exceeding above all we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). This is our God! This is our Father!

So I encourage you to ask God what you should do in 2021. Ask Him for what to focus on and how to steward it. I am always encouraged by this verse in Isaiah where God assures us of the benefits of His guidance, Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer The Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit Who leads you by the way you should go Isaiah 48:17 (NKJV). When God leads, there’s profit or great outcomes!  Remember to ask because there are yet greater things that God has for you that you have not tapped; 2021 may be the year to start extracting them.  God in Jeremiah 33:3 says, call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’


  1. Show us Your plan for 2021-Father God, we submit to Your will today, and we ask that Your will be done in our lives on earth as it is in heaven. Lord, we seek You first and ask that You show us what You want us to focus on in our spiritual life, families, finances, jobs, business, ministries, callings, and churches.  Prayer scriptures are Luke 11:13, Matthew 7:7-8.
  • Anointing, Skill, and Wisdom-Father show us what to develop and give us strategies for advancing them- We pray for the Holy Spirit’s anointing in skill, wisdom, and intellect. (2) Lord, activate each gift within us. Prayer Scriptures Exodus 31:2-3, Zechariah 4:6
  • We pray for enduring strength and grace, knowledge, revelation, and understanding to accomplish each plan. (3b) Overcome procrastination, laziness, and passivity. Prayer Scriptures; Isaiah 11;2 Isaiah 41:10., Exodus 15:2, 2Timothy 1:7
  • Support- Lord, we ask for Angelic and Human Support to help us in these endeavors. That You connect us and send skilled and God-fearing people to support us in executing these plans. (4b) God, grant us sound counsel, Prayer Scriptures; Hebrew 1:14. John 14:26, Isaiah 60:1-4.
  • Favor -Lord, we ask for Your favor and favor with men. Grant us favor with all entities we will work with to execute these plans, including licensing agencies, permits, governments, local authorities, contractors, consultants, and financial institutions. Prayer Scriptures; Luke 2:52, Proverbs 3: 3-6, Genesis 26:12-13
  • Subdue opposition and distractions- In the authority of the Name of Jesus Christ, subdue and cast out any opposition and distractions. Ask the Holy Spirit to expose all hidden agendas of satan against your destiny and destroy them. Ask the Lord to expose anything or anyone around you who distracts you from pursuing your God-ordained plans and cut them off. Prayer Scriptures; Matthew 16:19, Mark 16:17-18, Philippians 2: 9-11, Isaiah 54:17
  • Thanksgiving– Thank God in advance for the outcomes of each plan this year.