A sister from Sierra Leone taught me how to fight in the natural and spiritual realms. She explained that in life, we must fight spiritually and naturally. The understanding of her advice has been progressive; we are not victims but victors. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead resides in us, supports us, and empowers us. We should not allow the problems that our grandparents and parents faced to impact us. We have the power to eradicate and rebuild. However, most of these issues are spiritual and hidden, so we need to partner with the Holy Spirit to uncover them and receive the necessary strategies to overcome them. In warfare or in life, we cannot use the same techniques for every issue; we must seek the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and guidance in Scripture to attain the right strategies.

We must identify repeated negative patterns that reveal spiritual manifestations in the natural world. These patterns may include behaviors, habits, instabilities, lack, setbacks, betrayals, extortions, relational problems, conflicts, contentions, lack of sickness, and even hereditary illnesses. Negative patterns have roots, and once again, it takes working with the Holy Spirit to expose them, reveal the strategies for removing them, and give us the strength to live a disciplined life to overcome and sustain victory. Every Spirit-filled believer has the power to uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow, build and plant, and move mountains (Jeremiah 1:10, Matthew 17:20).

Refuse to align with anything that does not align with God’s Word for you. Fight fervently against anything that contradicts the destiny God meant for you. We fight spiritually and naturally with the mighty weapons of warfare (2 Corinthians 10:4-6 ) and through love, walking in fear of the Lord, being doers of the Word,  self-discipline, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and great discernment. Fight the good fight of faith! Resist vehemently. Persist in prayer. Add to it fasting. Say anchored on the Word of God. Hold unto the promises of God. Fight like a good soldier! You are THE VICTOR in all of these! (Ephesians 2:6, 1 Corinthians 15:57).