This week we begin a new series of teaching on writing and video blogs called to journey with the Holy Spirit. Most believers desire a closer walk with the Holy Spirit and admire others who claim to have that relationship, but they wonder how to get there. Walking with God is not difficult; most spiritual things are not as complex as they sound. Journeying with the Holy Spirit is likely something you have been doing; these teachings aim to help you exhaust and get the best of fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

              The first step to a great fellowship with the Holy Spirit is surrendering to him. You see, just as you surrendered to Jesus when you received salvation is the same way you should submit to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was sent as a helper in all areas of life, not just the spiritual aspects of our lives. Jesus assured us of the Holy Spirit’s assistance when he said, “If you love me, keep my commands, and I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever, the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him because it neither sees nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.  I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you”(John 16:16-18).

              Any healthy relationship requires transparency to continue to thrive and deepen. Our relationship with the Holy Spirit should be approached the same way. Failure to surrender all areas to the Holy Spirit will result in the following: (1) The unsubmitted area is a hindrance that will block the flow or work of the Holy Spirit in the person or, in some cases, limit the anointing gift or skill from functioning at its full potential.

(2) The unsubmitted area will stay underdeveloped or stagnate because the Holy Spirit has yet to be given access to it. We did not receive a partial Holy Spirit; we have his fullness in us. By submitting all areas of our lives to him, we will experience the “fullness of the Holy Spirit.”

Activation Exercise

 This week, evaluate areas of your life that you need to give access to the Holy Spirit and surrender all areas to the Holy Spirit. Submit yourself to the Holy Spirit; submit mind, soul, body, emotions, your house, vehicle, and workspace to the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit what he is currently doing and how you should partner with him. Write down what the Holy Spirit shows you, do what he says, meditate on those instructions, and ask him for clarification on what you do not understand. Stay in worship; keep your mind and the rest of your senses alert for instructions the Holy Spirit will give you. Connect with the Holy Spirit throughout the week- connect with him the best way you know how. Journal and be ready to share your experiences with your loved ones or in a fellowship to which you belong.


Holy Spirit, we acknowledge you today and thank you for being here to help us in all areas. Welcome, Holy Spirit, to fill our hearts, minds, and emotions. Baptize as a fresh Lord with the Holy Spirit and fire; fill us afresh. We surrender ourselves and everything that pertains to us to you. I surrender my finances, marriage, spouse, children, job or business, ministry, gifts and talents, my home, property, and vehicle to you/ Holy Spirit, show me, expose anything hidden or anything that we have resisted submitting to you. We now partner with you today and the rest of the week. Minister to us individually. Our hearts, ears, eyes, and senses are ready to receive from you in Jesus’ Name. Amen.