As most of you know, one of the key phrases that were mentioned as the decade started, was RESET. Reputable prophetic voices have shared that the 2020 decade will be a decade of reset where God will shift and sift things in the Church, around the world, and amongst believers in Christ.

 I believe personal deliverance and inner healing are included in this “resetting”.  God wants to free us completely to be effective in our current roles and be ready for the future. I feel like God is inviting many believers into personal deliverance encounters with Him in the privacy of theirs homes. God is also allowing believers to deal with past trauma and wounds. In a nutshell, I feel like there is a greater measure or that we are in a season of a greater grace for deliverance that believers should take advantage of. Not that the grace for deliverance was unavailable before; but there is an invitation for believers to experience total freedom!

One of the ways God highlights something that He wants to free you from, or what He wants you to address comes through dreams and visions. Pay attention to your dreams. Partner with the Holy Spirit for accurate interpretation of those dreams and then pray about them. Negative things in dreams are an indication of something God wants you to confront and destroy- and here comes the deliverance. If they are issues from the past, the Holy Spirit often highlights them because they are in way of the future. So addressing them will remove the hindrances, freeing you to launch effectively into the future.

Another way God uses to alert you of an area that needs action is by allowing an issue to crop up. For example, He may give you repeated dreams highlighting similar issues or He may allow triggers that cause you to erupt in anger so that you deal with the anger issue. So pay attention to the repeated occurrences in your life; these could be things God wants you to address with Him.

Deliverance and emotional healing make us whole!  Hindrances are removed to make us effective in our callings and purposes. When God cleans up, He also fills us with His glory, fire, and anointing. The cleansing is part of a refining process where we are refined to be more effective in our skills, callings, gifts; and in our service to God; see 2 Timothy 2:20-21. The reset is part of being reprogrammed to our original nature- what God intended for us at creation. We are being transformed from one glory to another through deliverance and inner healing

We are in a season of abundant grace for deliverance, emotional healing, and healing of trauma and past wounds. Abundant life started when we accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. Being free from bondages, addictions, illness, and all strongholds makes room for the fullness of God in our lives! Since we were created in the likeness of God, the more of His nature we acquire in Him, the more we are transformed to be effective in all things He has called us to.

Embrace what God is highlighting in your life right now. Partner with the Holy Spirit for deliverance and healing. (John 10:10. Joel 2:32, John 8:36). God cleans up to fill up!