Unexplained tiredness, increased sleepiness, fogginess, ringing in the ears, abrupt forgetfulness, and confusion can be caused by witchcraft or demonic spirits of sleep and slumber when medical reasons have been ruled out. When someone experiences these symptoms, the person will lose critical opportunities for advancement or experience delays in life. Demonic spirits of sleep and slumber are directly linked to the spirit of death and poverty, which want to destroy destinies, keep one poor, slow progress, or hinder one’s potential. Other spirits that work in conjunction with spirits of death, slumber, and sleep are draining spirits. Draining spirits drain energy, and they also drain one’s ambition or drive towards their goals or destiny.

If you are s Spirit-filled believer, already you have the authority and power to overcome evil. Jesus in Luke 10:19 gave us this promise, behold I give you authority to trample on serpents, and scorpions and overall power of the enemy, and nothing by no means shall hurt you”. Serpents and scorpions are demonic spirits. So, command your brain, spirit, body, mind, and emotions to awaken and alert. Cast out witchcraft spirits, bind and cast out the spells, hexes, curses, or evil prayers projected to your mind. Use the blood and the Name of Jesus to bind and cast out spirits of sleep, slumber, death, poverty, and confusion. Bind and cast out any symptoms you are experiencing. 

Receive freedom in Jesus’ Name (John 8;36). Declare clarity, focus, and concentration over your spirit, mind, head, eyes, and ears. Declare wisdom, insight, and understanding over you (2 Tim 1;7, Isaiah 52:1-3, Isa 60:1-3). Ask the Holy Spirit to reprogram your body and sleep patterns to be awake and asleep at the right time. You are awake when you need to be. Asleep, resting when you need to.