Quick to rescue

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk

QUICK TO RESCUE-Not all bad things, adversities and temptations are from satan. At times God allows the bad things or uses the adversities to test us, mature us and most important to ensure His Will is accomplished in our lives. So it is crucial to be very discerning of what God is doing with you or someone else in adversity before rushing to “fix” the problem.
Do not be quick to rescue, do not be a hindrance to what God wants to do with you or with the person. Consider Jesus Christ while being approached by squad that came to arrest Him. Peter was quick to use the sword to cut off the ear of the soldier. Jesus in response says to Peter ‘Put your sword away, shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me? (John 18:11) The Cross was the main reason Jesus came to earth! That we may be reconciled with God; yet the flesh (Peter) reacted in attempt to divert God’s ultimate will.
Also, God chastens those He loves. Frequently we are pruned in order to produce more (Hebrews 12:6, Proverbs 3;12, Revelation 3;19, John 15;2). God does all these for our good and most important for a greater purpose. So whereas showing mercy is a mandate, at times it is very important to seek God for guidance on WHEN TO RESCUE, WHOM TO RESCUE, HOW TO SECURE & NOT TO RESCUE. It is crucial that seek the Holy Spirit in this to avoid hurt, abuse and exploitation of your resources. Our resources and all we have are not ours, they belong to God. We must be good stewards of what God has given us. Seeking God’s guidance will also help you to “avoid inviting trouble”. My Mom calls this “self- acquired problems”. God did not tell you to help the person, you poured everything to them, they betrayed, used you or exploited you”. In this case don’t go back to God crying, repent instead. God will still be merciful, He will forgive you and help you with a way of escape 1Corinthians 10:13; but still be ready to face the consequences of your decision to rescue.

PRAYER-Lord forgive us for wasting your resources. We repent of not seeking your face first on whom and how we needed to help. Lord open our eyes now to see whom we should rescue and whom we should let go. Lord give us the courage to say no to people and things You have not approved. Lord deliver us from evil and unreasonable people and things. Lord we submit all that belongs to us to You; help us discern channel our resources according to Your will and in the things that are pleasing to You. In the Name of Jesus. Amen! Be encouraged, God is Faithful and Dependable.

Blessings and Love in Christ Jesus- Pauline

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