Recognize and deal with who and what is stealing from you :

As we pursue financial health and wellbeing, it would be pointless to continue making declarations if there hidden enemies to our breakthrough. Whenever we petition God for solutions, it is also equally important to ask Him to expose the cause of the problem; and we must be ready to deal with what He exposes.

God loves transparency and He is open to assist us even in our weaknesses. Although most things are spiritual, not all things are demonic. Some financial problems are of our own making, while others are demonically induced to steal, destroy, and kill because these are key objectives of the devil.

Whenever we petition God for solutions, it is also equally important to ask Him to expose the cause of the problem; and we must be ready to deal with what He exposes. Since we are praying for a financial breakthrough, ask God to show you the hidden enemy in your finances. Below are “potential enemies areas in your finances” that are as result of our own making:

Personal Responsibility Areas

  • Inability to track how you spend the money; not sure how the money was spent-reason lack of spending budget
  • Prone to impulsive shopping – reason same as above, lack of discipline, covetousness, or competition with others
  • Competition or must-have attitude- purchasing to be as others or greed
  • Inability to save money – the reason there is no money to save or poor spending habits
  • Failure to negotiate your salary at work or share in a business partnership
  • Failure to track your credit score or failure to review your paystub
  • Giving in debt-it is not wise to go into debt helping someone, such as skip rent or mortgage, take a loan to sow a seed, or help someone
  • Be careful on co-signing loans or having your name added to a financial contract or any contract
  • It is not wise to make plans presumptuously with hopes that others will bail you out; you will not get the help and may find yourself in serious financial bondage.
  • Not supporting the needy-see Isaiah 58 and James 1:2
  • Continuous lending money to a responsible person who never pays back – such borrowers often have a sad story, are victims, they either manipulate you give them money, or they make you feel guilty when you do not- set boundaries
  • Failure to research before investing. No matter how lucrative it may sound or look, do your research- do not be pressured to make any decisions. Be cautious if anyone pressures you into an investment decision. Find at least 3 other comparable investments of like nature …. Take your time!
  • Do not be in a rush to make major purchases or major financial decisions – research, investigate, get counsel before deciding- Take your time!

As we continue to decree and pray for financial breakthrough, I encourage you to confront these obstacles. Christ has authorized and empowered you already. He will guide you with wisdom and strategies to overcome them permanently! Embrace your financial freedom.