Order still applies

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk
(MAY 2016 BLOGS. WEEK 4)

ORDER STILL APPLIES IN OUR WALK WITH GOD-SHORT CUTS ARE LONGER- God respects order so do not be fooled by extractions of the Word of God in hype to entice in order to achieve self-gratifying fulfillment. God’s ways ARE. God is not human; we cannot do anything to force Him to comply to our needs. No wonder we ask but do not receive because we ask amiss. And even when us ask, us don’t get it because our motives are all wrong because want only what will give us pleasure:( James 4:3)

Consider this: James4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. The devil will only flee AFTER we submit to God. The Order here is, we must first submit to the Supreme, Superior Authority then resist, in order for the inferior authority to flee. We are to do THE RESISTING PART TOO. That is when satan flees. Remember Jesus resisted in 3 attempts, after He had submitted to God in fasting and praying for 40 days. hint, hint!
Consider Romans 14:17-For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Order, to attain peace and joy, righteousness must come first. We can only receive the rights to this to this Kingdom though, the redemptive blood unto salvation, through a daily lifestyle of wearing the Breastplate of Righteousness (Faith and Love). Then with no time peace come. This is the peace (the one that passes all understanding! I have experienced this peace and still is. And oh, the joy of the Holy Spirit (my dancing, clapping worshiping Polly Joy!) Love Him; the Holy Spirit!
We first seek His Kingdom, then everything else is added to us. This is the intended Kingdom believers should have. That when we pray “your Kingdom come” in the Lord’s prayer, we are embracing peace and joy of the Holy Spirit. I believe the Kingdom of God to be the fullness of God in all aspects of our lives. God’s Kingdom extends beyond a geographical celestial setting. We all can I am live in the fullness of God right now right here. That is why Jesus taught us “thy Kingdom come”. To earth! Or where else was the God’s Kingdom going to. It can only come to earth in order for God’s will from heaven to take place on earth!
God hears us when we HUMBLE(submit) to God) ourselves. 2 Chronicles 7:14. The truth is that King Solomon, the Levite Priests and the Israelites did some major humbling in 2 Chronicles in to Chapter 7: 14. This verse was in response to all that been done. Order! Obedience to one step before the next, followed by a blessed outcome
PRAYER- We are living in times where knowledge and inventions have increased. This requires increased wisdom and knowledge in the things of God also. We are in age of counterfeiters. Let us pray for increased wisdom and understanding of the Word of God this week. When we do this, we can discern accurately by the Holy Spirit, our motives are purified shifting off that which not of God. Our prayers then avail much because flesh or selfish motives get circumcised. Our prayers become Spirit led and we see fruitful results. Wisdom is of utmost importance, therefore get wisdom, and do due diligence to acquire understanding. Proverbs 4.7. Be encouraged, God is Faithful and Dependable.

Blessings and Love in Christ Jesus- Pauline

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