God is interested in our well-being and success; He planned that we excel in everything He had predestined for us. Each action- step requires inquiring from Him, obeying what He instructs, and, in most cases, partnering with Him. God will do things for us out of His sovereignty, but there are things He demands our collaboration. A few years ago, a minister told me to do my part, and the Holy Spirit will do His part.

At times we look to God through the Holy Spirit to do it all, but God rarely works in that way. Abraham exercised faith in return, Isaac became the promise, Noah’s salvation was contingent on building the ark, and Moses had to place his rod on the red sea for it to part. The account that generated this blog is the interaction between David and God in 2 Samuel 5:23-25. In this story, David inquired from God about fighting the philistines, and God responded with not only approval but with instructions that required David’s involvement; Do not attack them straight on,” the Lord replied. “Instead, circle around behind and attack them near the poplartrees. When you hear a sound like marching feet in the tops of the poplar trees, be on the alert! That will signal that the Lord is moving ahead of you to strike down the Philistine army.”  In this story, the Lord went before David to weaken the philistine army; in the end, David won the war.

Whenever we seek God, we should be ready for the part He wants us to do; this is how we collaborate with Him to bring our promises and purposes to pass. Have faith in God, believe when He speaks, and trust His word. Have faith in the Holy Spirit, trust His guidance, and execute His instructions when He speaks. Do your part, and the Holy Spirit will do His part.