At times in the hustle and bustle of life, we get to a point that we need refills in order to keep going or to restart. Or a times it’s a matter of replenishing the with new strength, new direction, clarified vision, clear direction or new oil. In such times I think we should just be blunt with God, look up with our hands, hearts and mouths wide open and just pray; “Lord give me a drink!”

Jesus to the Samaritan woman in John 4:10 -Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”

This Living Water, the Holy Spirit has a track record of rejuvenation, impartation and activation. If you recall, He is the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead. This same Spirit now lives in us and is very capable of resurrecting and renewing the tired areas of our lives including our bodies. Romans 8:11.

He is also the same Spirit that breaths into the Words we proclaim to birth new things and bring life, solutions, directions, insight to our lives. Hence He is called the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Counsel, the Spirit of Knowledge, The Spirit of Revelation, The Spirit of Discernment, The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord; Isaiah 11: 2. The Spirit of Power, the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of Fire, the Spirit of Faith, The breathe of God, The Spirit of God.

Prior to meeting the Samaritan woman, Jesus had just performed His first miracle, turning six barrels of water to much needed wine at a wedding reception in despair.

It is in Christ that we can now enjoy both the rivers that never run dry and the new fresh wine of the Holy Spirit. As you wind down your holiday shopping, as you review you goals and set resolutions and objectives of the New Year; If currently in despair, If you are almost at the point of refill, let’s look up this week with our, hands, hearts, minds and mouth open and pray; “Lord, give me a drink!”

Psalm 36.8, Luke 5:37-39, Isaiah 41:10