Let us act on our prayers this week

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk
(MAY 2016 BLOGS. WEEK 3)

LET US ACT ON OUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK-Prayer and action go hand in hand. This is what it means to have Faith and Works working simultaneously together towards the desired outcome. First the prayer MUST BE IN FAITH and must align to the will of God, not of personal selfish gain 2) Allow the Holy Spirit to lead your prayer.
Consider this, in order for the walls of Jericho to fall, Joshua, the Priest, the worshippers and the army seven matched around the wall (Joshua 6). Initially there was prayer, followed by ACTION. As I am writing this I am even intrigued by the lineup of this match. First were the priests and the army. To me, this translates to prayer in form thanksgiving & worship, an army, God’s presence (The Ark of the Covenant) followed by another army
As believers, we are watchmen (prayerful people) over our cities, territories, families, children, marriages, careers. As intercessors we must stand on guard while at the same time take action. King David was such a man. He had been in secret prayers while in the caves as a shepherd. He had already experienced and seen God’s saving and delivering power. I believe that most of David’s intimate revelations occurred in the hills and valleys while he was a shepherd. So when it came time for Goliath, David took action.
ACTION-I applaud set apart times to seek God in prayers and fastings. But it is crucial that we are not caught up in the religious spirit of “works”; always praying and not taking action. Without Faith we cannot please God (Hebrews 11.6) Faith without works is useless, (James 2.20). Hence PRAYER WITHOUT ACTION IS POINTLESS! So if you have prayed for a job, fill out the application, study the employer, prepare for the interview, dress appropriately for the interview, SHOW UP FOR THE INTERVIEW! Leave the rest to God. If you prayed for business opportunities, WRITE YOUR BUSINESS PLAN, conduct a market analysis, seek the Holy Spirit to lead to mentors and advisors. (Proverbs 15:22, Proverbs 11;14). Review your budget and develop a strategic financial plan, especially if you plan on leaving a fulltime job to start your business. Review legal and insurance requirements. You want to be well informed before you venture in. Collectively, these are ACTIONS OF FAITH, from the prayer concerning a business.
PRAYER-This week, pray for motivation. Pray for action. You have written your vision, now ACT on IT. Back up and fuel the actions with a different type of prayer; THANKSGIVING & WORSHIP; the army matched 7 times. Praise, worship and thanksgiving is what we do as we wait for God to answer our prayers. Then See What God will do! Be encouraged, God is Faithful and Dependable.
Blessings and Love in Christ Jesus- Pauline

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