Its Ok to ask God for more

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk

IT’S OK TO ASK GOD FOR MORE-2 Kings 13:18-19 Then he (Elisha) said, “Take the arrows”; so he took them. And he said to the king of Israel, “Strike the ground”; so he struck three times, and stopped. 19 And the man of God was angry with him, and said, “You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck Syria till you had destroyed it! But now you will strike Syria only three times.”
Our God is such a caring God and it is true He wants to endow us with more. This is the fullness of God in all things we should proper; in the natural being and the spiritual being. But I think we “BELIEVERS have fallen short in BELIEVING for more from the Creator of everything. By Him all things were created, whether in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones, dominions, principalities or powers; ALL THINGS WERE CREATED THROUGH HIM & FOR HIM (Colossians 1:16). So if we call Him the God of the exceedingly and abundantly (Ephesians 3:20) or the God of cups running over, surely, He can give us more.

  • The key scripture above was my main eye opener. The king was facing war; he went to Prophet Elisha who was critically sick by the It could be that the king stopped because he thought Elisha had additional instructions, it could the king stopped because he only had the faith of 3. It could be the king stopped because he only wanted 3! Or because the king was impatient; he wanted to get his prophesy and keep on moving. Ponder on the following:
    Lack of faith makes you settle for only what you want. Have you ever tried to bless someone and they told oooh no, just give me the 5 dollars, maybe you wanted to give them more! I think that is how we approach God at times
  • Fear is the culprit and this is driven by the spirit of false humility and the religious spirit which have taught believers that God is to far reached He only gives us what we need! This is arguably true, but if He is going to give me what I need, I would still ask for more of it. That’s just Pauline being real with God. My experience so far though, is that whenever I ask for more He gives me more. No kidding I asked for something on my way to church one Sunday evening. I left home at 5:30 pm, returned home at 9 pm with what I had asked God for multiplied 3 times. I even recall making this request while making a turn while driving. I simply said, God it would be nice if I had X and God responded within 4 hours with overflow.
  • It could be that we ask for less because our vision is limited to the extent we can see the vision. Colossians 1:17- He is before all things and in Him all things coexist. In Isaiah 46:10 God sees the end from the beginning. Moreover, His thoughts are not our thoughts neither His ways our ways, so since GOD SEES WAY FAR BEYOND, let is expand our visions too. Remember Elisha got upset with the king because the king only struck 3 times, being a prophet, Elisha had seen the end; utter destruction of the Syrian army. If only the king struck 5 to 6 times.

Now the following really caught my attention, it is highly likely that we will face the consequences of settling for less when we are impatient. Despite His grace and mercy, God also gives us a free will. We may not experience the fullness of what we ask for in the moment. If you read fur her in verse 20, Elisha died shortly after giving the king instructions in verse 20. This is huge, I was greatly challenged by this!

PRAYER-We are in this together! Let us ask for more. Jesus said ask and we will be given, knock and they shall be opened, seek and we will find, so from this week, be specific with God. If asking for a job, ask for salary, bonus, flexibility with schedule, favor with your boss, promotion within 2 years, tuition reimbursement, good co-workers, believers in the workplace (MORE). do the same for your marriage, your children, your family, your career. Even your spiritual walk, ask God for more Joel 2:28-29. God desires that we all prophesy and move in the various gifts of the Holy Spirit. All you have to do is ask. Hey in prayer this week, LET US STRIKE 5 to 6 times! Be encouraged, God is Faithful and Dependable.
Blessings and Love in Christ Jesus- Pauline

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