This blog is a continuation of the previous one about stewarding revelations. In this post, I will discuss another perspective – some individuals may feel God is no longer communicating with them. Does this mean that God is genuinely silent when revelations cease?

To answer that question, God is not silent because we no longer receive revelations from him. What you may perceive as silence may be just a change in the mode of communication. As we mature, God will sometimes change how he communicates with us. Each believer must recognize that the season for a particular mode of communication has changed and adapt to the new method. I believe God does this to expose us to other ways he communicates.

It is essential to prioritize reading and studying Scripture as it is the primary means through which God speaks. However, God can communicate through various channels like dreams, encounters, visions, songs, art, colors, and impressions. Sometimes, he may communicate through dreams and visions and then halt them for a while before resuming. During this period, he may introduce a new means of communication, such as using symbolism or colors. For example, if you find a giant praying mantis on your front door, it could be a sign that God is telling you to increase your prayer life. God may use simple words that you may notice are repeated on bumper stickers, gift cards, paintings, songs, and poems, or he may evoke a strong desire to pray, read the Bible, or study specific subjects to communicate effectively.

What should we do when we feel like God is not communicating with us? Firstly, we should be aware of other possible ways that God might be trying to speak to us and engage with Him through those means. It’s easy to dismiss or ignore them because we’re unfamiliar with them, but it’s important to persist. Secondly, we should be open to new methods of communication from God and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us understand and apply any revelations we receive. Lastly, we should remember that God’s silence can also be a form of communication. We need to discern what message God is trying to convey through His silence.