Often when we hear about the supernatural, we think that this grandiose experience is limited to the chosen few within the body of Christ, such as those with key titles! Especially when people talk about their elaborate experiences of being in heaven, seeing God and all other encounters, we may feel “little” and unqualified for the supernatural. But I believe the supernatural transcends beyond encounters and what is seen. I believe  the supernatural includes our identity, the influence of the Holy Spirit in the gifts and callings He has given us, it includes miracles, signs and wonders, exploits , greater works, revelatory gifts, such us prophesy, seer and power gifts, hearing the voice of God, dreams, visions and encounters; and day to day  relationship with the Holy Spirit. So if you are experiencing any of these; you are already walking in the supernatural!

I have also discovered that many Holy Spirit (Spirit) filled believers are already walking in the supernatural but they do not realize it. The reason for this is because of the definition and explanation of the term “supernatural” and how it has been relayed to us.  What is the supernatural anyway? The supernatural is the supernatural is what is beyond or above nature or science. My personal definition for the supernatural is “when God uses the ordinary to produce the extraordinary. The supernatural then involves the exploits mentioned in Daniel 11:32 and the Greater works that Jesus mentioned in John 14:12; the supernatural includes the above and beyond in Ephesians 3:20. All realms of the spirit are included in the supernatural; God, Jesus Christ, the angelic, the human spirit and the demonic are part of the supernatural. The supernatural is a lifestyle not a one-time event! Thus it must be developed, nurtured, and stewarded well.

The supernatural is part of our blessing and inheritance. Failing to partake of it is like living in a fully furnished mansion that is rightfully yours, but you limit yourself to only living in the kitchen instead of enjoying the rest of the house. There is more to being -born again beyond salvation. A lifestyle of the supernatural is one of the many blessings of the Kingdom of God!

Each spirit filled born again can engage in supernatural because they are created in the image of The Supernatural God; and they are filled by the Holy Spirit. Because of this supernatural nature, we are capable of relating with God supernaturally, walking in the supernatural and we are capable of producing supernatural outcomes. It is through the Holy Spirit that we engage and walk in the supernatural. Thus Through the Holy Spirit, we can do the extraordinary things. Through the Holy Spirit, God can use an ordinary thing or person to do the extraordinary things. For example, Samson killed a thousand Philistines with the jaw of a donkey ( Judges 15: 14-16), Elijah outrun the King’s chariots to beat the rain( 1 Kings 18:46), Jesus turned 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish to feeding more than five thousand people (Matthew 14:13-21),  Peter preached for the first time after being filled with the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and three thousand people got saved(Acts 2:1-14), the apostles and Peter were filled with the Holy Spirit that His shadow healed the sick (Acts 4:12-16). Paul did miracles through the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit (Acts 19:11-12).

We too are capable of walking in the supernatural because God sows no partiality, all is needed is faith.  When we collaborate with the Holy Spirit, tune to Him, remain sensitive to Him, obey, and trust Him, the supernatural becomes a natural lifestyle I call it being supernaturally natural and naturally supernatural. There is a lot of interest in the supernatural of God, and I am glad to share that the supernatural is for everyone. Each born again believer has the ability and capacity to walk in the supernatural and live a supernatural lifestyle because we are filled with the Holy Spirit. The supernatural extends in all areas, in prayer, in worship in praise, beyond prophecies to daily life encounters and applications. It is common to engage with the Holy Spirit that talking to Him becomes a common occurrence. It is normal to engage with God’s angels on a regular basis. It is normal and common to carry the glory and presence of God 24/7. It is normal to be in supernatural here on earth while living in a natural world.

The following are the different ways the Holy Spirit engages with us supernaturally:

The Holy Spirit ushers us in God’ s presence giving us ability to talk to God. We walk with God through the Holy Spirit. In Hebrews 6:4-6, we see that the Holy Spirit supernaturally allows us to share in the power and the goodness of what we will eventually share in heaven. So, aspects of what we experience in the supernatural now, are only a taste of heaven. The Holy Spirit though the supernatural allows us to taste heaven while we are still here on earth, to experience the age to come through encounters with Him.

The supernatural is an inheritance of each believer – Ephesians 1:13-14 says that after salvation, we were also marked and sealed by the Holy Spirit, giving us a deposit of an inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession to the praise of His glory

We have the supernatural ability for miracles signs and wonders just like Paul and Peter did special miracles, salvation, healing, and deliverance like that for Peter in Paul in Acts 4, 5 and Acts 19 and the rest of the book of Acts. Additionally Jesus promised that we will do more because both authority and power has been given to us, John 14:12 -14-Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ask anything in My name, I will do it.

 We can experience protection, strengthening, and deliverance by supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. In Scripture, we see the Holy Spirit move supernaturally to protection and rescue Paul and Silas in Acts 16, when Paul and Silas were imprisoned, and God intervened! The Holy Spirit also protects and preserves through warnings and prohibitions for example when the Holy Spirit forbade Paul and Silas from travelling to preach in Asia in Acts 16: 6-7 says Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them. Expect the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to protect, preserve and warn and you too

 The Holy Spirit Strengthens us supernaturally when we are weak or tired- This is from personal experience, there are countless times that I have been exhausted both mentally, emotionally, and physically but after engaging in praying tongues, I have been rejuvenated and restored. There are times when such weakness are attacks of the enemy and at times they are from burnout. I believe engaging the Holy Spirit in both cases helps, because the Holy Spirit can also warn when you need to take a break and rest, while He also refreshers and restored strength. See the promise in Isaiah 40:31 NJKV says But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Whenever you are tired, engage the Holy Spirit, take time off to pray in tongues, take a break from what you are doing, get some rest. You will more alert when you get back to it. I recommend listening to your body and listening to the Holy Spirit too.

 The Holy Spirit also engages in warfare supernaturally deliver us from enemy attacks. I have learned to involve the Holy Spirit in spiritual warfare as well. Yes, we engage the matchless Name of Jesus Christ, we engage the Powerful Blood of Jesus, we engage warring angels, we engage the Word of God and of course the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 59:17 b says When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. The Holy Spirit as a Helper and advocate is an integral Person in our deliverance!

 The supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in ministry- I believe that when we got born again, everything about us became spiritual. It is through the Holy Spirit that we receive power and grace to minister Zechariah 4:6b says that it is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty. The anointing that we minister in is from the Holy Spirit- we should be careful not to call it “my anointing” but rather develop, nurture, guard, and steward well the anointing and the grace we have been given.

We are able to live and function in our spiritual life by the Holy Spirit. As supernatural beings, the Holy Spirit supernaturally empowers and enables us to live this life. Hence, we should not judge believers others who may not be living like us, Instead pray and help them encounter the Holy Spirit. Pray for their hearts to be made pliable, turned from stone to flesh. Pray that they are convicted by the Holy Spirit and that the Spirit of the fear of Lord encounters them. It is only by the Holy Spirit that we are sustained to live a successful Spirit-filled life

The Holy Spirit fuels our natural and spiritual gifts to make us effective and fruitful in whatever we do. Acquiring knowledge is good. I believe that Knowledge and expertise are keys, but the Holy Spirit fuels our knowledge and gives us wisdom to effectively apply that knowledge in our spheres of influence. Because of this we should never rely on our achievements but on the Holy Spirit our Teacher and Counselor, Who directs us in truth in all matters. The Holy Spirit also empowers us through the gifts He has given us, both spiritual and natural gifts. The Holy Spirit inspires our creativity, every skill or talent. With this we can learn to submit out gifts, careers, business, skills to the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit breaths on your gift, business, skill, career, or talent, there will be fruitfulness, multiplication, abundance, favor, and breakthrough. We prosper in all we do when the Holy Spirit is permitted to influence our gifts. This is causes wealth and prosperity in what we do.

So how can you live a Supernatural Lifestyle? Consider the following:

Stay connected to Your Power Source-God is the source of ALL power because He is All-Powerful or Omnipotent. To walk in the supernatural power, we must stay hooked to the power, constantly recharging, constantly refueling. It is like a computer, to keep it running, we must ensure that it is recharged. If you utilize any electronic device, after some time it requires charging its battery. We cannot run on empty or drained if we want to success in the supernatural. Failing to do that results in “making up the supernatural” which is the long run will be exposed by the fruits of the person doing that. We cannot mock God. In our walk we must recharge with God frequently. This means Knowing God more intimately. Spending time with Him alone in prayer, devotion and listening to Him. I recommend this for those who desire to ignite their intimacy with God. Identify 15 minutes a day that you can spend with God. Split the 15 minutes into three; read the Bible for 5 minutes, pray for 5 minutes, the sit down for 5 minutes with a journal to write the impressions, messages, or visions you receive from God. From here you can incrementally increase your devotion time. Get a Bible version that you can easily understand, like the NLT, NKJV or NIV, TPT whatever version that you like

Be Filled with the Spirit– the Holy Spirit is the one who stewards the supernatural including doing exploits and moving in “Greater Works” -So pray to be filled with Holy Spirit. Be filled with the Spirit and yield to His instructions. When we collaborate with the Holy Spirit, tune to Him, remain sensitive to Him, obey, and trust Him, the supernatural becomes a natural lifestyle. I have a prayer of how you can be filled with the Holy Spirit and impartation for the supernatural  at the end of this article.

Believe- Adamantly believe the word of God for what it is the truth. God’s word is sure to perform, God’s word does not change. God swears by His word. So believe God at His word. Believe that With God, ALL things are possible. Believe that God does exceedingly above all that we know or ask.

 Build your faith up and become a Faith Giant Faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). Faith in God is the foundation of salvation and walk with God. The Supernatural requires faith. Jesus said athat even the faith the size of mustard seed. A mustard seed measures about 1 to 2 millimeters or 0.039 to 0.079 inches (source Wikipedia). Imagine the exploits you can do with gigantic faith! So build up your faith by standing firm on the word of God and His promises. Stay unshakable and immovable despite the opposite. Remember the supernatural defies science, this is what happened to Abraham and Sarah when they conceived at 100 years old. Also note that it is impossible to walk in the supernatural without ‘any size” of faith.

Feed on God’s word– Indulge in reading the Word of God. Jesus is the Word and bread of life (John 1:1-3, John 1:14 and John 6:48). We need daily nourishing. Also the supernatural engages the Word of God. God often confirms the encounters and experiences we have with Him by His word. So make reading the Word a priority, the word of God is the sword that pierces and the fire that fuels the supernatural. One way that I have found useful is reading Scripture then replaying the same Scriptures on the Bible app. You will get additional revelation by doing this. Literature also shows that repeated reading or listening to something at least seven times, reinforces retention of information.

Walk in the SpiritWalking in the Spirit involves surrendering all areas of our life to the Holy Spirit and submitting to Him. It involves killing or dying to the flesh that the Holy Spirt may fully influence our lives. Submit your imagination, mind, and thoughts to the Spirit because that where the battle is the most Allow the Holy Spirit to invade all areas of life, leave no area untapped by the Holy Spirit. See Galatians 5:16.

Act- Walking in the supernatural lifestyle requires radical obedience. So move quickly, act quickly when the Holy Spirit instructs In James 2:14-26 NKJV we learn that faith without works is useless.  Move when God tells you to move even when you do not understand.  That is what Joshua did with the wall of Jericho (see Joshua Chapter 6).  God changed the strategy for warfare in this chapter, it was not like the other was the strategy of previous wars. So obey God without being analytical or rationalization. Trying to figure God out or bring logic to what He has instructed you will only delay and frustrate you until you do want, He instructs. And if you are stubborn, God will raise someone else to what you failed to do.  May I warn also, most of the supernatural moves of God are unannounced; He never warns when He will move. At times we will give us a signal that He is about to do something- most of the time we do not know what He will do, We only learn of it after the fact. To be successful in the supernatural you must TRUST THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Remember, the walking in the supernatural is an inherent right and blessing of each child of God. Romans 8:14 KJV says for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Sons and daughters of God have the supernatural nature of God that they should engage with to their God in that capacity. God is impartial. Be encouraged by this, Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful (1 Corinthians 1:27 NLT). You qualify for the Supernatural Lifestyle!


All you need to do now is to receive by faith what God has for you, but before that

  • Receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
  • Repent of any sin sins, iniquity, and transgressions, including involvement in idolatry worship of other gods
  • Forgive and release bitterness, anger and unforgiveness, jealousy and covetousness
  • Renounce and repent anything that is not of God that you have participated including witchcraft, divination, sorcery, spiritism, ritual, sororities, new age, enchantments psychic, medium consultation, any involvement with the occult. Renounce  and break all covenants in Jesus Name.
  • Renounce and repent of using spirit guides and familiar spirits
  • Command every foul and evil spirit to leave you know in the Name of Jesus Christ

 Prayer to Receive the Holy Spirit and Impartation

The Prayer of Salvation or Re-dedication to Jesus Christ – Dear God, I come to You. I accept your Son Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I believe that Jesus died and rose again for my sins, so that I may receive salvation. I therefore repent of my sins, transgressions and iniquities and ask for Your forgiveness. I renounce sin and all forms of wickedness. I renounce all gods that I have served, vowed to, submitted to, or ever made sacrifices to them. Lord Jesus, now come into my life and into everything that concerns me. Come in, Lord Jesus, and be Lord over my life and align me to the path and plan you have for me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Prayer to be filled with the Holy Spirt– Holy Spirit, I now welcome You. Come to reside in me and take over every aspect of my life. I submit to You Holy Spirit; guide me in knowledge, wisdom, revelation, discernment, and counsel so that I may walk and accomplish the plan God has for me. Holy Spirit fill me with your gifts that I may experience the fullness of God in this new life, in the name of Jesus I pray. Amen!

Impartation Prayer. Father in Jesus Name, I now release to the reader to receive the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You. Lord open the eyes of their  understanding being enlightened; that I  they know what the hope of His calling is what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the them  Father give them   understanding and what is the exceeding greatness of His power regarding the supernatural according to the working of His mighty power in them. Father I pray for an infilling of the Holy Spirit with increased sensitivity to You and to the Holy Spirit. Father open their eyes to see and ears to hear. Lord activate their supernatural senses. In Jesus Name, Amen


Transcript of the video blog 7/8/2020. Copyright MJC International Inc: Pauline Adongo. Free for distribution.