Coming to a place of rest while still alive

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk

COMING TO A PLACE OF REST WHILE STILL ALIVE- This week I will share a personal testimony in thanksgiving and honor to God who has brought me to this place. I call it a place of rest. I have discovered that I can and we can still come to this place of rest in Christ Jesus

First this rest comes through redemption and being accepted as God’s children and partakers of Christ in His place of rest. Based on ongoing experience with the Holy Spirit, the place of rest is fully steered and brought about by the wonderful Person of the Holy Spirit (Can’t help but cry writing this). He started by endowing me with the Spirit of Joy. I describe it as an unexplained “joyous high” where my mind emotions and body had less tolerance for offenses. My mind could be very upset, but yet my heart would be very still and joyous and within a short period, the offense would lift off completely and I would be fully joyful again.

Next, rest came through assurance in His promises. I am an avid reader of the Bible but I recall a day (in November 2015) when the verse Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7, came alive, literally, from that moment it is a though my mind fights and refuses to entertain anxiety. When the thoughts of what if and what about and how and how much and when start, literally my mind switches to the scripture, at times it is as though the Holy Spirit is telling me to “knock it off” and remind me that “what is faith then? You pray Pauline don’t you? Yes, Holy Spirit, I answer.

Rest because of the peace of the Holy Spirit-I’ve come to experience this rest by receiving the gift of Peace. The Peace a that Christ left with us, My peace I give you. The Spirit of Peace. I really cannot describe it other than being in a place of stillness. So still you can touch the thin transparent stillness of this peace. I really cannot describe it but it is a peace that surpasses human understanding. Sure is.

I have come to rest in embracing God as my all in all. I call Him Papa, I sit on His lap and enjoy His embrace and warmth. He is my affirmation, He validates me, He is my firm foundation, I am edified and assured by Him. He is my supporter and cheerleader, my fortress in whom I am firmly grounded. In His rest I stand unshakable. This rest a place of experiencing His fullness, His continuous presence, His fellowship, AN EXPERIENCE OF THE STILLNESS OF GOD; this is His rest. THIS REST IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD; RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE & JOY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT.

PRAYER. Lord I cast all anxiety, all fear, I embrace my position as your child. I embrace your promise to prosper in all things, I embrace the sound mind, power, I embrace love and contentment since You supply all my needs, by your stripes, I am healed. I come to your rest. I receive rest in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Now, experience rest on earth while still alive. I am a living testimony. Be encouraged, God is Faithful and Dependable.

Blessings and Love in Christ Jesus- Pauline

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