Do not feed into the tantrums

Let’s Blog, Let’s Talk
(MAY 2016 BLOGS. WEEK 1)

DON’T FEED INTO THE TANTRUMS -Just letting you know that most of the time satan leaves with tantrums. STAND YOUR GROUND! FOCUS ON GOD! Whenever he knows he is about to be kicked out, he puts up a show! OR he puts up a show in attempts to get back in from where he has been kicked out. Satan will do anything to TRY to sabotage God’s purposes. These tantrums can show up in various forms:
Steered opposition/rebellion – by a group of people, family, friends, slander, gossip, rumors, grumblers, When Moses had gone up the mountain to receive the commandments that we should live by, he steered up the camp to build a molten image instead; an alternative (another blog topic), but read what they did make while they were very aware that Moses was with God. Exodus.32:1-6
Being ganged up against-How about when the Israelites had left Egypt? Pharaoh and his chariots decided to go after those God had just delivered from oppression and slavery. Satan has no pity. You would thing Pharaoh would recognize that he had just gone through 10 brutal plagues, his army may be weak because some died from boils, lice, frog bites, hail! No satan racked up a ruckus off the red sea they went. When the children of Israel saw then they screamed, yaicks! behind us look Moses…they paid attention to pharaoh’s tantrum. Be still and see the salvation of the Lord. The tantrums drove pharaoh and his squad smack into the middle of the sea. They perished in their tantrums (Psalm 136:15)
False pretense/mind games/delays- This may play individually in your mind as false belief or the notion that what you asked God for will not happen; simply put mind games or delays to a prayer! Like the story of Jesus and the boy in Mark 9:20. Satan sees Jesus, the boy shakes violently (tantrums) then boy lays still (satan playing dead=tantrums) …. When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth. he rebuked the impure spirit. “you deaf and mute spirit,” He said, “I command you, come out of him and never enter him again. “The spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently and came out. The boy looked so much like a corpse that many said, “He’s dead.” BUT JESUS TOOK HIM BY THE HAND AND LIFTED HIM TO HIS FEET AND HE BOY STOOD UP.
PRAYER-When storms or life start acting out, especially after a period of fasting, commitment to prayer and commitment to God, DO NOT FEED INTO Satan’s tantrums. I ‘ve prayed that you recognize them. This is the prayer for this week. Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the Spirit of revelation and discernment. I ask that you open my eyes and understanding to recognize Satan’s tantrums, tactics and shenanigans. I believe and now I am able to see and know by the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus. Amen
So once you see, rebuke, resist and satan will FLEE. We are more that conquers in Christ Jesus. Receive Deliverance, Restitution and Promotion (DRP! I like that!). Believe! Let’s praise God for our D.R.P this week! Be encouraged, God is Faithful and Dependable.
Blessings and Love in Christ Jesus- Pauline

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