I have realized that the Lord speaks to me so often but I tend to miss the conversations because they happen in “odd” places when my mind is thinking about something completely unrelated to what the Lord is saying. In my ignorance, I’ve shortened these conversations.

Among them was a conversation about “moving with God to higher dimensions. These conversations occurred in the grocery store, the other occurred while I was opening a door to a building. Same subject, two settings. This past weekend, God continued the conversation through a speaker at a conference saying, “you have grown a strong backbone in 2017, now move forward in 2018”

2018 is about moving forward in God’s strength and power to pursue a greater measure of destiny. There are things that we entertained in 2017, we cannot take into 2018 because we have grown past them. Do you best to rise above offenses, misunderstandings, criticism, false accusations, hurts and setbacks. Do your best to avoid unproductive discussions, company and unproductive conflicts. Recently, I was encouraged by Dr. Bill Johnson. He said there are just some discussions he does not engage in; in fact, he excuses himself from them because they are opinions that unfounded in God’s Word and add no value to a person. Nothing should move you. Don’t engage in pettiness, you have either taken off or already in midair for greater purposes in 2018.

You see when a plane takes off, it reaches a point of “no return”. At this point, the plane only has one option –to take off. Once in the midair it also have 2 options to ascend to higher heights or to land. In both cases, take off and midair, the plane cannot go into reverse! It cannot backtrack. Complacent people, will frustrate you because they are comfortable with where they are. New things startle them. They will back track you with pettiness, offenses, nonsense that add no value to your destiny. Rise above them

Like an eagle, face the eye of the storm head on, embrace the lift. Keep your eyes focused on the vision God has given you. Stand tall in 2018, you have a strong backbone. You have taken off. You are already in midair approaching the next altitude. Stay in transit. Pretty soon you will land the plane. Your vision will manifest.

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:13