Adverse reports and incidences are unexpected; we never plan for or anticipate them. Negative information comes through various forms, such as discouraging medical reports, an abrupt end to a contract or a job, attacks from people or the devil, offenses, defamation of character, or even terrorizing dreams or visions. Nevertheless, each spirit-filled born-again believer is equipped to intercept and cancel the outcomes of these negative reports.

Before I proceed with outlining how these reports can be mitigated, let me share how God warns. God warns of impending danger in so many ways- He warns through:

  • Dreams -Joseph, the earthly father of our Lord Jesus Christ, was warned several times about the safety of Jesus as an infant through dreams. These accounts are in the first and the second chapter of the book of Matthew. In the Old Testament, the first account of warnings through dreams involves King Abimelech, whom God warned not to touch Sarah Abrahams’ wife. Other accounts of warnings include the warnings   God gave pharaoh about the impending drought in Genesis and King Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel.  God still warns of impending danger through dreams to date.  So we must pay attention to dreams.
  • Discernment- Discernment means to see, recognize, or understand something that is not clear. It is the ability to discriminate or differentiate. Most often, discernment occurs through our spiritual senses exposing what is right or wrong. The ability to discern is a gift of the Holy Spirit that alerts us to be watchful, prayerful, and take appropriate action.
  • Impressions or Instinct– God warns though instinct; some call this the “small voice” that invokes an internal mental or emotional check. In my culture, we attribute this small voice or impression of the heart. Often say, “my heart warned me or told me.” This is also commonly used by God to communicate that something is going to happen. So do not ignore your inner “knowers”! Take that impression seriously, whether for the impression is positive or negative.


  • The Holy Spirit– The Holy Spirit warns, too, whether we obey Him or not. God, out of His mercies and compassion, does not like to see His children suffer, so He warns as a sign of His love. Each believer has a unique personalized relationship with the Holy Spirit and is capable of hearing Him distinctly. The Holy Spirit communicates to us in different ways. It is essential to learn the specific ways the Holy Spirit communicates to you and respond accordingly.


  • Others- God warns through others. This includes counsel from wise people who have experience in an area and can redirect us when we are headed in the wrong direction. God can also use prophetic voices to warn and redirect. Other platforms include media and expert intelligence that warn of impending danger.

Consider the above list as a measure of God’s love of notifying and preparing from impending danger. At times, the danger may happen still happen despite the forewarning, but God often provides a strategy to mitigate the danger when we rely on Him.  Now back to the critical topic, how do we intercept these adverse reports?

  1. Know your ammunition– 2 Timothy 4:2 warns that we must be ready in season and out of season. This means that we must be prepared at all times. Despite the unexpected attacks, always remind yourself of who you are and the ammunition you have. Operate from your victorious identity in Christ and engage the weapons God has already given you. The Armor of God is not too worn only when you wake up; we should have it all the time, when you wake up, in the course of your day and when you go to sleep. Thieves often come when you are unaware – hence the need to have the armor on 24/7. Should they show up, you should be ready for them.


Your identity in Christ affirms you as a conqueror and a co-heir who reigns with Christ above evil powers, dominion, rulers of darkness, and all types of wickedness. With these, you have the ammunition to intercept, overrule and overturn the report you have received by the power of the Holy Spirit, by the Word of God and by Blood of Jesus and in the Name of the Lord. Additionally, you have the support of Jesus Christ-Matthew 28:20- Lo I will be with you even to the end. You have the support of Angels. Hebrews 1:14 says that Angels are ministering spirits to you. Not forgetting the support of the Holy Spirit- Isaiah 59:19b When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift a standard against him. Remember, you are never alone to confront and intercept adverse reports.


  1. Be courageous– Do not allow the unfavorable situation to breed fear in you- the enemy counts of the fact that you will be fearful and back off so that he can inflict more damage. God has not given you the spirit of fear, but love power and a sound mind (1 Timothy 1:7)


  1. Do not be overwhelmed – The report may be overwhelming but focus on the Mighty One to save. Count on God’s character, His faithfulness, His reliability, and His promises. Remember Nothing is Impossible with God (Luke 1:37)


  1. It is highly a spiritual battle– We are often tempted to confront negatives reports or situations through our natural abilities. Whereas some adverse outcomes are indeed based on the poor choices we have made or out of not knowing (ignorance), we should not negate the spiritual aspects of things. As believes we engage mostly spiritually. This is where discernment and relying on the Holy Spirit becomes crucial. We cannot engage in spiritual matters through natural means (Ephesians 6:10-18)


  1. Refuse to be drawn into the drama of the negative report– The enemy loves to exacerbate a situation and latch on for continued access. When we feed into the drama, the situation gets inflated. The situation can be magnified through increased debates, arguments, discussions, passing judgments, back and forth texts. This opens opportunities for the enemy to afflict more and to distract you from what you need to be doing, which is seeking God about your situation. We can learn from Nehemiah- that whatever the enemy threw at him, He did not engage with them, and He refused to accept the enemy’s reports and invitations. Nehemiah stayed focused on the task (Nehemiah chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7). Avoid the distraction of the enemy’s drama by maintaining focus on your goals and objectives.


  1. Do not dwell on it – Try to settle the matter quickly and move on; don’t dwell on the issue. The enemy loves to stir up things, so do not dwell on what you have submitted to the Lord. By dwelling on it, you idolize the enemy or give him more attention-which empowers the enemy. Overly dwelling on an issue invites victimization and self -pity; both are forms of self-idolatry because all one focuses on are the negative issues. Pray, trust God to fight for you, drop your missile of prayer and declarations, stand on the unshakable word of God, and keep it moving!


  1. Repentance – Repentance was a forgotten practice amongst born- again believers, but it is exciting to see that the church is being awakened to practice it again in this new 2020 era. Not everything is a result of sin, but I have learned to allow God to search my heart and life for anything that could be displeasing to Him. Unrepented sin hinders breakthroughs to prayers. So make it a habit to incorporate repentance in your prayers. Repent for the part you have participated in inflating or causing the negative report. Renounce and release the poison of the trauma/ offense from your spirit, mind, soul, and body,


  1. Forgiveness – If you are aware of the person used or the situation used to create the negative report, forgive, let it go, and hand it over to God to deal with it. At times we beat ourselves for the mistakes we have made. Forgive yourself for if you contributed in one way or another to that negative report.


  1. Intercept with Prayer- Seek the Holy Spirit for direction on what to pray for regarding that negative report specifically. Kings David, Jehoshaphat, and Hezekiah are great examples to learn from. When these kings received negative reports, they turned to God for direction through prayer, at times fasting and worship (See their accounts in the Bible in Chronicles, Kings, and Isaiah). Don’t just engage in the flesh without involving the Holy Spirit. Through information provided by the Holy Spirit, you will be able to wage war accordingly. The Holy Spirit specific instructions, or the source of the problem, or the name of the specific issue or demon you need to cast out. Engaging the Holy Spirit will allow you to stay on target, hit the mark, and obtain breakthroughs much faster.


  1. Intercept with Worship– Worship is a powerful weapon of warfare. You can intercept with a worship prayer and by singing praise and worship to the Lord.


  1. Intercept with the Word – The Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and Your declarations are potent in battle. The word of God is the two-edged sword that penetrates darkness (Hebrews 4:12). The Word of God is also the law through which justice for the righteous and judgments against evil are passed.


  1. Intercept with Adamant Faith and Persistence – Fully believe God to come through for you. From time to time, the enemy can be relentless because he will keep bringing the same attack but in different forms. Discern very quickly that you are dealing with the same spirit. We overcome more from a place of rest than when we are anxious, worried, or afraid – such can lead us to war in the flesh rather than in the Spirit. Notice that the strategies of the fight may change.  Ask the Holy Spirit what strategy to use. At times, the barrage of attacks is the strategy of the enemy to exhaust you so that you give up. Now and then, God exposes several things so that you deal with them back to back to teach you how to war effectively or to expose you to the schemes of the enemy; that way, you know how to deal with them the future or help another person. Relentlessly fight it off – keep fighting until you attain the victory.


  1. Engage on the spot –When the enemy attacks, engage on the spot, do not wait for a later time to overcome him. If the dream is negative, cancel it on the spot. If it is a bad medical report, refuse to accept. I heard a testimony of a lady who renounced a thyroid malfunction. Each morning she woke up casting out the anomaly and declaring her thyroid gland healed. She was healed, and she did not have to undergo surgery! Halleluyah report/If someone gives you a negative report or curses you, cancel it on the spot. If you have a negative thought, cancel it right away – do not entertain negative thoughts; our minds /thoughts are the predominant platforms the enemy targets to attack. Reject anything that does not agree with the word of God. Entertaining a bad thought will result in the further assault of the enemy through rationalization, convincing you which results in circum to sin or the development of a stronghold. You have the power to intercept every negative thought. Confront every contrary report on the spot!


  1. Intercept with the promises and prophesies spoken over you. Bad reports or attacks are often sent to discourage, delay, distract, or to make abort your destiny, purpose, and the assignment. Reflecting and declaring what the Lord has told you already empowers us to stay focused on what is essential. By reviewing and meditating on them, you are assured of God’s promises-God watches over His word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12). Knowing that God will keep His promise energizes you to continue moving. We believe the report of the Lord not the report of the enemy. God will do what He has promised (Romans 4:17-21).


In conclusion, know that God will always be there despite negative reports we may receive. Some are used to test, strengthen us, and exert the best in us. No matter the reason, you have the power to intercept and mitigate the damage. I pray for you to receive impartation to pray and to war with the Holy Spirit. Break the spirit of fear and intimidation. Pray for increased discernment and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit so that you can hear and follow through with the instructions He provides you. Pray that the Holy Spirit helps you recall the warnings He has given you in the past and show you the strategy to war effectively.

In the name of Jesus Christ and by the shed Blood of Jesus, I break and cast out confusion, mental and emotional manipulation. I break every yoke of oppression, affliction, set back, stagnation, and lack of progress. I unlock doors and opportunities that need to open to you. I Cancel all bad reports. I declare God’s favor, blessings, health, long life, prosperity, and God appointment connection over you in Jesus’ Name. Receive power! You are an overcomer!


Author: Pauline Adongo

The Ministry of Jesus Christ International Inc.

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