We are in an era where there is a quest for belonging and association. Most people are in clicks or longing to be part of a click. Most are seeking for spiritual fathers, spiritual mothers and mentors. There is a heighted sense for affirmation and association. Some are looking to others for promotion, advancement and popularity. The thought of pursuing destiny alone scares many. My encouragement to you this week is that you are not alone, take courage and endure solitude just a little while longer.

Whenever God had a greater plan for someone, He rarely called them the in couples or in large groups. God always called each person independently. Consider these:
•God called Abraham independently. Even when Abraham chose Lot, God’s divine inheritance was revealed to Abraham immediately following his separation from Lot.
•Noah was called independently concerning the Ark
•Joseph to be separated by his brothers to preserve Israel later independently
•Moses was called independently and though assigned Aaron, God always spoke to Moses alone
•David was chosen by God in the wideness and He related to God independently
•Consider the independent callings of Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Gideon
•Jesus was called independently; God sent His Own Son. Consider Daniel’s life or Deborah’s call to war.
•The Apostle Paul was called independently

If you notice from that list, whomever God called, He also instructed directly. Rarely did these people rely on mentors, spiritual fathers or mothers. They did not have publicists. God was their publicists, through signs, wonders and victories! They were called, taught and directed by God and the Holy Spirit. That said they also knew the voice and ways of God. They obtained revelation and wisdom from God independently.

When God calls, at the foundational levels of destiny matters, from personal experience, it is very common that God will want you to be alone with Him. 99.99% of spiritual training and connections is done by God through the Holy Spirit. 0.00001% is done through divine persons. Endure the time alone, because it’s seasonal. When the appointed time comes, God will connect you to the right mentors and people towards accomplishing your destiny. Jesus retrieved to be alone, then later chose his disciples. Paul was called alone, he retrieved to for over 14 years, then returned to be embraced by the apostles and to be partnered with Barnabas, Timothy, Titus, Mark, Apollos and others to spread this Gospel that we Gentiles now enjoy.

While in solitude with God, He is preparing you for a greater impact! Look at Abraham, David, Jesus and Paul. While in solitude, remember this; surely Jesus is with you always, even to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20