Sermons and teachings on “hearing the voice of God” are commonly sort after- I believe it’s because most people really want to hear God for the themselves. The Bible is a good place to start if you are eager to hear from God. Both the old and new testaments are full of examples of how God speaks. What God did in the past with others is still replicated today.
The story that triggered this blog is the story of the burning bush in which we see the initial calling of Moses as deliverer of the Israelites. I was intrigued by these words.” So, when the Lord saw that he (Moses) turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses! “And he said, “Here I am.” (Exodus 3:2, Exodus 3:1-10). From the story, it appears that Moses’ turning to look, triggered God’s response. That the burning bush was an invitation for conversation and relationship.
This kept me questioning how many things God has wooed you with -inviting to Him or warning you, that you have ignored. God can draw our attention through repeated dreams, reoccurring themes or words, through impressions, through memories of past prophesies or instructions; a strong desire to pray, worship or read the Bible, a recurring song in your mind; even an urge to drive a different route to work or an unplanned strong desire to call someone you have not spoken to in a while. Have you stopped to wonder, why now? Why I am thinking of that today? It could be that God is waiting for you to “turn aside and look”, then He will give you further instructions. Do not ignore them.
Turning aside to look may also include you taking time to put the dots together; you may be surprised by the outcome of the completed puzzle and the message God has for you in that puzzle. The more you respond in obedience to these nudges; you will quickly recognize how God talks to you. Better yet, you will soon discern what each urge or prompting means and what to do about it. You too will get to experience frequent invitations for conversations with God that will result in great friendship with Him! This relational friendship is an aspect of “walking with God” just like Moses, Enoch and Noah did. Our God is a relational God!
This week, slow down, take time to stop and look—God may just be waiting for you to do that. If you are waiting for answers, I encourage you to reflect on what God has shown you in the past. Put the dots together, the answer may just be at the tip of your nose!