As we reflect from the beginning of the year to this last week of 2016, I am sure voluminous blogs can be written of testimonies of the wondrous works of the Lord this year!

Salvation-We can attest to the Lord’s on time salvation, not only of the soul, but of the mind and body. We can testify of God’s grace keeping us sane in our right minds, where others could not handle what we had to face, but the Lord’s grace, mercy and peace sustained our minds to think clearly.

Deliverance- Oh Jesus, we can attest to God’s deliverance from traps and snares. Where once bound, we had lost ourselves, but God delivered us from the mucky mire, literally pulling us out by force, setting us free and bringing us to our full identity where we can finally say “I found me”. Among the profound deliverances that I experienced were; deliverance from “works”, deliverance from “busy and doing”; deliverance from false humility, deliverance from religious spirits and pretense, deliverance from false mindsets and unbelief. Can you testify to what God has delivered you from?

Protection- We attest to His divine protection, accidents were averted, the plots of the enemy were exposed and foiled in advance. The Lord then set a shield of protection and permanently shut dangerous doors permanently even when I fought to reopen. But then He open new safer doors and opened by eyes to see where He is guiding me to.

Restoration- He brought inner healing of past wounds and provided an ongoing antidote of His love. We came to know of the Father’s pure unadulterated love. The Lord restored by VOICE for worship; and anointed me with the OIL OF JOY and DANCE! Then He began restitution with latter and former rains. He restitution has been perpetual.


Community- He brought a new community of fellowship. In it we are free to be ourselves as we share in joy of our identities and destinies the Lord has for each of us. It continues to be a community that focuses on unity and support for one another and fosters each other’s growth and purpose of their destinies. In this community, I finally found my “tribe”.

Have we seen His wondrous works this year? Yes! Have you see the wonders of His Love? Yes! Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for His mercies endures forever. OH, COME LET US ADORE HIM