Understanding God’s seasons and timing is crucial and reassuring for being effective in our spiritual journey. God’s timings signify the maturation, birth, and end of things. Over the weekend, I was reminded by the Holy Spirit of teachings and prayer points I had written for my leadership team three years ago. When the Holy Spirit brings something to our remembrance, it often indicates that it’s time for that thing to be activated and manifested. This weekend’s reminder reassures me that as we start August, certain things are ready to manifest, perfectly aligned with God’s timing.

Reviewing Biblical accounts of God’s timings will help us understand their divine purpose and significance. Timing can be seen as the maturation of times when things need to happen. For example, God waited until Moses was 80 to send him to deliver the Israelites (Exodus 7:7). Joseph waited thirteen (13) years before becoming a prime minister (Genesis 41:38-48; Psalm 105:16-19). David became King approximately fifteen (15) years after being anointed king (2 Samuel 5:4). Jesus started his ministry at 30. An interesting observation about Jesus’ birth is that John the Baptist had to be born just before Jesus’s ministry; his parents, Zachariah and Elizabeth, had been barren until then. Galatians 2:1 records that Paul waited fourteen (14) years before beginning his ministry. This theme emphasizes waiting and activation of purpose at the time God wanted his purposes accomplished. We can safely conclude that God’s timing is always purposeful and inspiring.

I firmly believe that August marks the beginning of a season where the maturation of past events will take place. That will be a time for the fulfillment of past prophecies and the activation of new endeavors. Please consider your previous prophecies, promises, and efforts, as it is time for these to come to fruition. It’s also a time to receive answers to your prayers and see the manifestation of what you have been contending for. The timing for harvesting is also here, as Proverbs 11:13 states that the righteous will be rewarded on earth.

It is time to activate new things. These new initiatives are things that God had already instructed us to do, but the time to launch them was not yet available. Now is the time. If there are projects or things you initiated but left halfway, this is the season to revisit them and follow through to completion. So, review anything God has given you; it may be a creative idea, a business endeavor, a book you need to write, or a ministry or family initiative you need to start, adjust, or revisit. God’s grace is available in plenty to accomplish it. Receive the grace to finish what you started (Philippians 1:6).


Let us start with the prayer of Thanksgiving

Father, we thank you for your love and faithfulness. Thank you for doing everything at the correct time. Thank you for your anointing, grace, and blessings and for everything you have aligned to release, activate, and initiate through us this season. We are grateful in advance, and we receive in advance with thanksgiving and praise. In Jesus Name. Amen

Next, Let us ask God for forgiveness- Repentance Prayer.

We can also delay the timings through rebellion, refusing to align, misdirection, laziness, or procrastination- which takes your time to act. Hence, there is a need for the prayer of repentance. Father, we repent of anything we have done out of your timing. We repent of everything we have done independently out of our ambition or false interpretation. We repent of anything we have not acted on out of laziness, rebellion, or lack of ambition. We repent of any doors we have opened to satan to allow him to frustrate our plans for our lives.

Next, cancel opposition and resistance to timings in your life.

One of the things satan fights so hard is to keep you off timing with God, either by distractions, opposition, killing your ambition, delays, or setbacks or through hindrances. We learn these schemes from the accounts of Daniel and Herod’s plots against baby Jesus (Daniel 10:12-13; Matthew 2: 13-23 ). In the Name of Jesus, we renounce and bind every demonic assignment assigned to frustrate the timings in our lives. We bind all disruptions and evil access to communication and resources. We bind blockages, hindrances, obstructions, and barricades. With the Blood of Jesus, we cancel curses, hexes, evil prayers, magic, divination, enchantments, zodiacs, and astrologers for foretellers, psychic operations, sorcery, and witchcraft.  We command all avenues in the heaven, earth, underworld, and water masses transparent and open for the release and distribution of what is due to come flawlessly in Jesus’ Name.

Finally, Let us come into alignment with God’s timings. Let us also embrace the harvests and the rewards that are due as effective this month. Father, we are now agreeing with Your Timings for our lives. We command our souls, spirits, minds, bodies, and facilities to align with your time, Holy Spirit. We submit to Your timing schedules and calendars. In the Name of Jesus, we call into timing things held back that Father releases Your Holy Angels to bring them forth. We pray that, Father God, you open our eyes to see and know the timings and what You want to do. We command creation, the earth, and all applicable resources to align with Your plans for us on our behalf. We command the earth, seas, and water masses underneath, and the heavens immediately release what is due us in Jesus’ name. We align with your favor, glory, and honor that You, God, have crowned us with daily with these times. Lord God, we expect Your goodness, faithfulness, blessings, abundance, and fruitfulness to accompany us this month as we walk in your timings, In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

SCRIPTURES: Ecclesiastes 3:11, Isaiah 55:11, Isaiah 48:19, Psalm 102:13, Psalm 32:8 and  Ephesians 3:20

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