When God called me to ministry, one of His most essential instructions was to remain humble. He repeatedly emphasized this as He continued preparing me for the challenges ahead. Sometimes, He would even show me the obstacles I would face and how humility would be the key to overcoming them. I am grateful for this early warning, as I know that my personality and the territories He has called me to would make humbling myself a significant challenge.

I cannot say I have been humble, but it has remained a life course for me, given the various situations I have experienced. Every situation has come with an aspect of humility that I needed to learn and apply. While studying the Gospels recently, Matthew 18:4 was highlighted: “Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom.”

Humility is a choice that requires intentional effort. It is an act of the will, not an emotion or a physical posture. God or the Holy Spirit cannot make a person humble, but they can allow situations that lead to humility. Humility is a posture of the mind, not just an external display. It is ingrained in one’s values and beliefs and a discipline.

It is clear that there is a direct relationship between humility, the fear of the Lord, supernatural works, the Kingdom Mandate, promotion, and reward. Jesus showed us the importance of humility through his actions. For example, when he left his parents to teach at the synagogue, he humbled himself by acknowledging that even though he was a teacher, his time to do so had not yet come. Therefore, he submitted to his parents and waited for the time to launch his ministry (Luke 2:41-52).

Throughout his ministry, Jesus remained humble despite knowing that he was God. He chose not to seek equality with God and relinquished his position for our sake. As a result, God exalted him while he was on earth, and he grew in stature, wisdom, and favor with God and man ( Luke 2:51-52). By practicing humility, he brought the kingdom of God to earth through healing, saving, delivering, raising the dead, teaching, and disciplining others. People experienced God’s righteousness, peace, and joy through Jesus. Finally, due to his humility, God exalted him, and he is now seated above all as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Philippians 2:5-11).

Have you ever considered the power of humility? Humility is not just a fleeting emotion but a conscious decision from the heart and mind. It is a value that is either deeply rooted or absent within us. Practicing humility is a discipline that paves the way for God’s supernatural works to be manifest on earth. Humility is one of the keys to receiving blessings, honor, favor, and promotion from both God and humanity.