In this week’s blog, I continue to highlight lessons from the book of Job. There are many lessons from the first three chapters of this book. However, today the lesson that caught my attention is the role of adversity despite our right standing with God.

Job is considered a father of faith; in fact, God considered Job righteous and pure, yet allowed satan to oppress him. Initially, Job reacted angrily by condemning the day he was born. However, Job’s reaction is humanly understandable. Can you relate to having knowingly done everything right and yet being hit with some form of injustice? Reacting in anger, confusion, and frustration can be justified in such cases.

Being in right standing with God and walking in His will does not negate tribulation. The Bible mentions Joseph, Jacob, King David, the New Testament apostles, and even our Lord Jesus Christ, who walked in the will of God but were persecuted. Adversity was somehow engraved in walking in the will of God. Jesus himself warns us in Matthew 10:22 that persecution will come, but we must stand firm to the end. In Matthew 28:20, Jesus assures us that He will be with us through thick and thin.

Since adversity is part of the package in our walk with God, here are some tips that I have applied to help me navigate the adversity:

  1. What was my role in it? – is adversity a consequence of rebellion, disobedience, or grieving the Holy Spirit? If so, I repent, amend your ways, and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit, Scripture, and trusted counsel.
  2. What is God trying to show me, refine in me, or teach me through this adversity? – God does not bring all adversities; there some that He allows just as He did with Job. Whom God loves, He refines, prunes or disciplines so that they become more productive. What God allows refines us for improvement and reasonable use. A much greater glory will result from it. (See John 15:2, Hebrews 12:6-14, Romans 5:3-5)
  3. Hope in the Lord. Be assured that God’s eyes and hand will be on you through the adversity just as He was with Joseph in the form of favor while he was imprisoned and while serving Pharaoh; just like He was with Shadrack Meshach and Abednego in the hot furnace; and just as He was with Job preserving his life through the harsh adversity of losing his wealth and children. God will see you through all. Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will also help you; I will also uphold you with My righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10)
  4. Adversity keeps us anchored on God’s promises knowing that God restores, makes crooked paths straight- that God can create a new what was lost in adversity and bring us more incredible blessings than prior. So be strong and courageous. Strengthen yourself in the Lord