This happens to be the most self-destructive habit that impacts our destinies and God ordained purposes. Self-Sabotage is a debatable issue but I’m convinced we cannot blame satan for this one.

Self –sabotage occurs when we fail to commit to what we purposed to do for ourselves. Often it manifests in avoiding taking risks, being extremely calculated, procrastination, doubt, fear of success, refusing or not seeking counsel, failure to follow through on opportunities or leads, focusing on the wrong things, avoidance to diligently indulge in the right thing for the season and a pattern of distraction or starting and not stopping and being in a constant merry-go-round

Commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans (Proverbs 16:3). Whereas prayer is essential, there a part that we must play and that is putting into action what we have prayed for. These are faith-generated actions that should produce fruits.

Sharing from experience, I have experienced the strength of the Holy Spirit in helping me accomplish personal goals, including not so complex ones like completing household chores. Often I pray, Holy Spirit help me accomplish the tasks for this day. Normally they are accomplished or the Holy Spirit will provide strategies to accomplish a lot in a short time.

This week, take time for self –evaluation. Review your goals for the year or review your vision. Do this for all areas, family, school, children, work etc. See if you have sabotaged any areas by your actions. Take full responsibility, then repent. After which ask the Holy Spirit for strength, wisdom and direction to accomplish them. Commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans. Let us also pray that God open our eyes to see and seize opportunities. It is not by our strength, but the Holy Spirit. Let us tap onto the Holy Spirit to combat self-sabotage. We must live the fullness of our destinies here on earth in Jesus Name Amen!