As Christians, we need to be careful not to make someone else’s revelation a doctrine or practice without first verifying with the Holy Spirit. Just because God instructed someone to do something, and the person got the required outcome, does not make that practice or revelation the blanket intervention for all to apply. For example, prophet Elisha instructed King Naaman to dip himself seven times in the Jordan river, and the king was cured of leprosy (2 Kings 5: 1-14). However, his actions did not mean that leprosy is cured by dipping into a river.

Encouraging Christians to verify practices with the Holy Spirit before implementing them; you may not get the desired outcome! Unfortunately, many are caught up in such practices, which stem from personal revelations and, sadly, false teachings that have infiltrated the church. Some of these practices are ritualist and occultic. Such practices have also left many disappointed, frustrated, financially decapitated, and confused and have kept believers stunted in their spiritual growth.

In addition to one’s revelation, the practice may not apply for the time we are in; what worked in the past may not work today. But sometimes, ministers and believers hang on to the past that they miss the present move of the Holy Spirit. God provided daily manna to the Israelites (Exodus 16). They are good reasons for this, first is to ensure total reliance on God alone, and second, I believe so that we can be open to new revelation daily that strengthens our relationship with God. Today Christ is our daily bread of life and the Word of God (John 6:35, John 1:1-5). Encouraging Christians to spend time reading the word of God; the word of God is the Truth! The Holy Spirit is also called the Spirit of Truth (1 John 4:6, 1 John 5:6, John 15:26); He will help you discern the false practices and give you the correct strategy that applies to your situation.