Praise his glorious name forever! Let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and amen! Psalm 72:19

A week ago while in prayer petitioning the nations to the Lord, I heard the words “permeating glory”. As I pressed further in prayer, I saw a ripple effect; the Glory of the Lord was moving like superficial oceanic waves into the nations. After prayer I meditated on the words “permeating glory” and discovered the following

• God’s glory is in us in through the Holy Spirit. God’s glory is also His presence. Since the Holy Spirit is always in us, the God’s glory is also always in us. 1 Peter 4:14

• God’s glory changes our environment. Nothing remains the same after an encounter with God’s glory. That means with the Holy Spirit in us, we have the ability to change the environments and situations around us.

• God’s glory enlightens- Where the glory of the Lord permeates, darkness cannot stand. The glory radiates with such debilitating power to darkness. I’m reminded on Moses upon his return from being with the Lord. His face shown so brightly that the Israelites asked him to cover his face before talking to them

• Each of us can have the fullness on God’s glory. We can enhance God’s glory in us by spending time and staying connected with the Giver of this Glory, God through the Holy Spirit. It is through this relationship that we are matured also from glory to glory

What I liked the most about this permeating glory is that it generated revivals. First it starts with our personal revivals. The glory permeates us to expose what needs to be addressed, healed, delivered or uprooted. Then as this permeating glory rises up within us, nations and environments are impacted. People get saved, delivered, healed, restored and set free! From our homes or churches we can release this glory in our neighborhoods, to hospitals, to maternity rooms, to prisons, to the highways and skylines; to nations, Halleluyah!

Imagine that! This is the glory we carry in and with us! So this week ask the Lord to release the permeating glory within you to change environments and situations around you. Hey how about we become the epi-center of this rippling permeating glory! Blog back please