Among the recommendations in career development is to have a career plan that involves adapting, advancing or changing the career path. To some level these involve changing our strategies and attitudes. This paradigm shift also applies in our daily lives as believers. As humans, we have tendencies to focus and dwell on the negative, the pending, the lack, the absence, collectively, the absent answer or resolution. 1Corinthians 2:16 tells us that we have the mind of Christ. Though human, in Christ we have been translated to have His mind. Our thoughts and minds should mirror Jesus Christ. My encouragement to you this week is to change the occupation in your mind!

Faith is the preoccupation with the promises of God and the Word of God. Moreover, we created in the image of God. God only thinks good things about us. The plan that He has for us is good things, prosperity and hope. Believers are now daughters and sons of God. We are also friends of God, Jesus is our Brother and we are seated next to Him as co-heirs. We reign with Him, releasing God’s Kingdom on earth as Jesus intercedes for us. From this edified position
Faith refuses to see anything but what God sees and says. Focus not on what is missing, Focus not on the problems or challenges. Focus not on the sickness or lack.

Change your occupation this week, and tell your mind to:
¨Occupy your mind with God’s promises
¨Occupy your mind by getting the attention of Whom you are currently seated next to; Christ-through prayer
¨Occupy your mind by looking unto God, our provider, the Mountain where our help comes from
¨Occupy your mind by seeing the finished work of the cross. At the cross, Jesus said “it is finished!”
¨Occupy your mind with the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
¨Occupy your mind with thanksgiving, praise and worship because soon, you will say, “this too came to pass
¨Occupy your mind with the testimonies of the Lord, remember His goodness in the past , what you only know that God did it?

Change the occupation of and in your mind! Reposition yourself, tell your thoughts that you are reigning with Christ, a royal priesthood. You have the authority in Christ Jesus, God’s promises are for you. The Kingdom of God is being established on earth through your life. The blessings we take by steadfast faith in God will always materialize when our minds, eyes, hearts and confessions are set on Him.

By Pauline Adongo