While praying this week, I was reminded of God’s omnipotent power. As I continued to pray, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “No situation is too bleak for God; he can pull you out of it.” Immediately following that comment, I saw a vision of a middle-aged man in a fetal position inside a dark room, feeling hopeless. I knew then to intercede for the deliverance and breakthrough for that young man, and I believe he was set free!

As I continued with prayer, the latter part of Romans 4:17 came to mind; it states,”  the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not.” The context of this portion of Scripture is about Abraham’s faith in God and God’s promise to Abraham to be a father of nations. At that moment, biologically, Abraham had passed his prime age for reproduction, but Abraham’s faith in God in that bleak condition was that God could create out of nothing the nations he spoke about because he was that powerful. This verse is a reassurance of God’s decisive intervention in the darkest times.

Today, I want to encourage someone that God can pull out of that bleak situation. Do not worry about how he will do it. Like Abraham, believe in the omnipotent nature of God. He is the Sovereign and Almighty. He is an all-seeing, all-knowing creator and sustainer of his creation, understanding and caring for you in every moment. Even in what seems bleak, the same Spirit that raised Christ out of death is in you, and he will resurrect you again. Have confidence in God’s ability to create out of nothing. Have faith in the Holy Spirit to resurrect, give your life, sustain, and establish you.

No situation, no matter how bleak, is beyond the transformative power of God’s omnipotence. The God who creates out of nothing will pull you out!

Scriptures: Jeremiah 32:27, Zechariah 4:6, Romans 8:11, and Hebrews chapter 11

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