The beauty of partnership with the Holy Spirit is that He provides continuous growth. Some occupations require ongoing educational credits (CEUs) to maintain validation of the occupation. As Christians, this ongoing education is provided by the Holy Spirit. Among these credits, is knowledge and understanding how God responds to His promises when we appropriate them accordingly

Among the promises are; ask and you shall receive (Matthew 7:7-8); God does not withhold any good thing to His children(Psalm 84:11); God has already supplied us with every spiritual and physical need(Matthew 6:25-34), all we have to do is to RECEIVE THEM!

Praying from this perspective requires a MINDSET CHANGE and a TONGUE (Confession) CHANGE. You see at the cross, Jesus said it was finished! Isaiah 53:5 relays that finished work. So in prayer, we no longer beg or plead, WE RECEIVE
•If sick –we pray Lord I receive Your healing
·If bound or oppressed-we pray Lord I receive You deliverance
·If you slipped-Lord I receive your forgives( 1John 1:9, Psalm 103:12)
·If condemned/feeling quilt- Lord I receive my freedom(Romans 8:1)
·If worried-Lord I receive a sound mind, peace and joy (2 Timothy 1:7)
·If need provision- Lord I receive Your supply
·In spiritual warfare- Lord I’ve put on your Armor,
·When weak- Lord I receive Your strength. Quiet often I pray Samson’s prayer, especially when I have deadlines to meet; Lord strengthen me one more time (Judges 16:28)
·Go to sleep saying –Lord I receive safety as I sleep (Psalm 3:5)
·Wake up every morning declaring-Lord I receive Your goodness and mercy that are new for today (Psalm 23.6)
·No matter what is going on around me-Lord I am dwelling in your house (Psalm, 23:6, Psalm 91:1-2)

Once you’ve prayed, watch out for the answer, it may come through an idea, through a person, a thought, a Scripture, instructions on what to do, a word of knowledge, a new revelation. Just stay receptive. God responds to His promises.

This week, identity a promise that speaks to the area of your need then only believe and receive. Let this be a prayer of thanksgiving. Saying Lord, my God are meeting all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus, Philippians 4:19. So with thanksgiving, I receive Your supplies for me! Philippians 4:6

My CEU this week is receiving what God has already supplied in abundance for me. I tell you this has changed my prayer life!