Jesus in Luke 10:18- 19 says, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.See, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you….

While in prayer a few ago I saw the words; demonic assignments-distractions. As I pondered on them, I heard the Holy Spirit say distractions are demonic assignments.

Have you ever committed to a goal or task and just when you are about to pursue you find yourself heavily involved in something completely unrelated to your purpose. Most of these things may not be sinful in nature, in fact they may appear worthwhile and in line with your calling or destiny, yet in other sense they are not.

On the other hand they can also present as something that steals your joy, peace and inflict pain, unrest, confusion or frustration. In here you may notice harassing spirits, instigating, and intimidating spirits. These cause major havoc and they can really side track you to delay, slow you down or utterly distract you. Before you know it, you will be like “how in the world did I get here…..? or What was I thinking?

Examples of demonic assignments include, getting involved with someone you should not be involved with, participating in a conversation or debate you had no business being part of, pursuing a business venture or association that you hesitate being part of, being coaxed to belong or do something yet you do out being “nice” not wanting to make them “feel bad”

Because of this, it is not safe to gear prayer one sided. Staying in fellowship with the Holy Spirit will alert you to impeding danger. Spiritual warfare prayer then should become an integral part of daily and regular prayer. I call this; ensuring all areas are covered. While there, rebuke every demonic assignment and its effects on the past present or future. Rebuke and destroy the plots of assignments to come, assignments for the week and even for the month. Pray in advance of the adversity or distraction

So this week we are praying- God in the authority of the Name of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit in us, we cancel every demonic assignments in our lives. We renounce and revoke their effects on our lives. We destroy their plots and divert the paths of their agents to dry places. We reclaim our destiny and assignments and place them on schedule. Lord let your will from heaven be done concerning our assignments on earth right now in Jesus Name. Amen