Lately I have been reflecting on Romans 8:31 which says, “If God is for us, who can against us”. Then I though surely what would I do differently daily know that God is for me?

The truth is God never changes, His promises are sure. So, God means it when He says He is for you. God does not lie, and He cannot change His mind (Numbers 23:19.) Furthermore, Jesus says in, behold I am with you always, I will never leave you or forsake you. I am with you to the end (Matthew 28:20, Deuteronomy 31.8.). So surely if you knew that God is for you right now, what could you do differently? Can you evaluate your situation right now and picture God right there with you? Ephesians 2:4-7 says we are seated in heavenly places with Jesus Christ. This is pretense tense, meaning right now Jesus is with you!

I challenge you this week to live as though God is right there with you. Pursue life with boldness and courage. Dream big and engage God in your dreams. Since you are that close with Him anyway, ask for His guidance, ask God what you do not understand. Ask Him about the past, the present and the future. Make the Holy Spirit your personal consultant! Pursue your dreams and destiny with faith and tenacity.

Pursue life! Live to the fullest knowing that God is for you and nothing- I mean nothing will separate Him from loving you. Go forth and conquer, unleash the potential in you. You are already guaranteed victory through Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:57). Look at the situation at tell it “GOD IS FOR ME” because it is true; GOD IS FOR YOU!