My heart goes out those who are ill and or have lost loved ones due to corona virus. We continue to pray, and I know that God has already given us the breakthrough. We declare healing and restoration in all nations.

This crisis has affected many; but I would like to encourage all to HOPE IN GOD. Adversities bring the best and worst of us. Adversity also helps build our resilience; we also learn from them. For many who may questioning why and when, please be assured that

  • God has not changed His position about us, He is still merciful to forgive, heal and restore. As the Alpha and Omega, God saw the beginning of this crisis and He saw its end too before it started. We can hasten its end though through prayers of humility, repentance and recommitment to Him; but assured that our God sees all, and He sets boundaries on things!
  • Let’s not judge, criticize or blame others for this crisis- Let LOVE be the lens we use to respond to this crisis and to related with one another, LOVE Instead Additionally let us use this time for self-examination; are we in right standing with God? Is there something in us that we need to address with God. I believe this crisis has stirred a wake-up call for believers and the church worldwide. Lamentations 3:40-let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord.
  • Take the shield of faith– In Ephesians 6, the shield of faith is what deters the darts of darkness and oh how we need that now. The reports on the crisis are discouraging; but let us believe the report of the Lord. God never changes, He is still protecting, preserving, healing and saving. Put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation (1 Thessalonians 5:8) Refuse to be led and fed by fear. The world needs the church now, so the church cannot be afraid, each believer is the church (fyi- fear is faith in the wrong god) It is time to walk by faith towards God and love towards one another
  • Watch our Words- Words are creative and they create both good and bad. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Believers are prophetic by nature, what we say matters. In a crisis that is marked with death, let be mindful of our words and actions, let us speak life and light into the darkness. The same Spirit that raised Jesus out of grave is alive and active in us; the Word of God is alive and active; Angels of God are active let’s give them some work to do by the declarations of life we should be making!
  •  Do not allow this virus crisis to distract you from your vision or goals– I think this is most critical takeaway in any crisis. Never allow a crisis or any challenge to distract you from your goals. You may not accomplish your goals to the extent you wanted to but consider using this time to re-evaluate your objectives; and identity small objectives that you can do while you wait for things to clear up. The objective can be as a small as reading book you bought 2 years ago. I believe that God will still hold us accountable for what He gave us, and we cannot use a crisis as an excuse to relax. So, find that little thing you can invest in. Do your best to keep the momentum!

Lastly, stay prayed up! Increase your prayer time and devotion this year. Pray as a family since most families together right now. LET HOPE ARISE! This morning, I was encouraged by Lamentations 3:25-26. The Lord is good to those who wait for Him to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. LET HOPE ARISE!