I have observed something in the ministerial journey so far and even on a personal note. That the spirit of setback can manifest by constantly reminding you of past trauma, offenses of negative situations and even successes and achievements.My encouragement to you this week is “do not make a bed out of the situation, leave the camp!

Whenever you start rehearsing past experiences whether good or bad and don’t seem to moving forward; you have just made a camp. Satan may even lead you to believe that “you own the issue with labels like “my migraines”, my abuse, my loss, my arthritis, my divorce; or you know, I can’t be healed because this runs in my family; my success, my award, my profit, my promotion. Shortly after, you find yourself identifying yourself with these These are deceptions and tactics to give you a false identity, keep you stagnant, to keep you from deliverance and to keep you from pursuing your destiny. Camp no more!

You know, there a gets a point where you can’t just take these anymore; where you draw the line, and say enough is enough. I am not down playing any negative experiences or their effects; but do not allow satan to keep you in his camp. His aim is to pamper you, make you feel victimized and rationalize you to destruction; aborting your destiny.

The story of the 4 lepers in 2 Kings 7:4 If we say, ‘We’ll go into the city’—the famine is there, and we will die. And if we stay here, we will die. These were lepers who in the were castes making some dire decisions about their destinies. (Please read the whole chapter 2 Kings 7)

MOST DELIVERANCES OCCUR WHEN WE DENOUNCE AND LET GO WHAT WE HAVE ALLOWED IN OUR LIVES; REVOKING FALSE BELIEFS AND COVENANTS ESTABLISHED IN THE “CAMP”. This week evaluate any areas of your life where you do not see progress for any “camp behavior”. Denounce them and give them an exit slip with NO RETURN STAMPS in the name of Jesus. Once they leave, fill your life with Bible Scriptures concerning the area you just released; pray more and ask the Holy Spirit to heal that area completely. Then ask the Holy Spirit to also show you the progress you should pursue. And don’t worry, even if you had “camped” for so long, the same Holy Spirit will recompense 7 times more what the canker worm had eaten Joel 2:32- And EVERYONE who calls on the name of the Lord shall be delivered

The Breakthroughs and new things in 2017, will only happened when we DECIDE to let go the past and present; surrender and allow God to fully lead you. Are you ready to leave the camp?
#freedom; #nolongerslaves;#taketherisk; #deliverance