jesus, our everyday boaz

Every book of the Bible was written for a purpose, with each book reflecting a narrative story of the continuation of Genesis. The Godhead is represented in all books. Some books highlight an aspect of each member of the Trinity more visibly. For example, in the book of Ruth, our Lord Jesus Christ is depicted as Boaz.

In summary, Boaz’s attributes were the Kinsman-redeemer, a respectful, wealthy, and influencer, a trusted person who offers provision and security, a compassionate and caring, man who is mindful of his workers and strangers, a protector, and preserver. Jesus Christ has these same attributes and more. To anyone single or married to those who may be lonely or isolated, to anyone going through tough times, the story of Ruth is an encouragement. In it, you will find the same assurances and promises to help you navigate this season. Ruth experienced favor and blessings during a difficult time in her life; may you receive the same as you see Christ depicted in this story:

Boaz, a picture of Christ as our Redeemer and Companion-As Boaz, Jesus is your redeemer, and He is ready to redeem you from the difficulty. If the situation consists of s of sin, Jesus is ready to save. If sick, He wants to heal you; if oppressed, He is ready to set you free. Christ as the redeemer is available to t you right now as savior, healer, and deliverer

Boaz offered companionship to Ruth, so will Jesus to you because He is a friend who is closer than a brother, He is attentive to our cries when we call (Psalm 34:17) He will never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8), Jesus also left us the comforter, Holy Spirit (John 14:16)

Boaz is a picture of Christ as our Promoter, Provider, and Security-Boaz as a wealthy and influential man; just as Boaz, there is no need that Christ cannot meet. To the born-again believer, Christ offers all the blessings and accolades beyond what the world can offer. He says in Ephesian 1 that we are already blessed with a spiritual inheritance; God desires that we prosper in all things (Ecclesiastes 3:13, 3 John 1:2 ). God will  not withhold any good thing from us (Psalm 84:11)

 Like Boaz, Christ is our provider and security. He desires that we seek Him first, and everything shall be given to us. He also encourages us to cast our cares to Him, and He will provide for us just as He provides daily for birds and the rest of His creation. Jesus is our security blanket; those who trust Him will not see shame or lack (Psalm 25:3). With long life, He will sustain you (Psalm 91:16)

Boaz, a picture of Christ as a Caring Companion-Boaz, showed compassion to both Naomi and Ruth- Jesus’s compassion is reflected in His ability to relate to our challenges and to respond to those needs. Psalm 146:8 says the Lord lifts p those who are weighed down. Christ is our refuge, strength shield, and buckler, a very present help in time of need (Psalm 46:1).

Boaz is a picture of Christ, one who Quenches our Thirsts -Like Boaz, Jesus is ready to quench our thirst. Boaz recognized that Ruth might need water while working in the fields, so he pointed her to where she could get water to drink (Ruth 2:9). Jesus Christ is well that never runs dry whomever thirst can continually drink from Him. Therefore, we can still approach Jesus confidently to fill up the dry areas of our lives. God promises to make a way in the wilderness and create rivers in the dry areas of our lives (Isaiah 43:19).

Boaz a picture of Christ Welcoming the “unqualified” to Dine with Him –Ruth experienced an unexpected invitation when Boaz invited her to dip bread in wine; this is equivalent o eating from the same plate. Boaz shared the meal with Ruth. This gesture is not only an assurance of provision but one of trust, an invitation to communion with the Lord. Boaz was so friendly to Ruth that Ruth questioned, “why are you doing this to me, yet I am a foreigner” (Ruth 2:10). But Ruth’s status as a foreigner did not matter. Boaz extended the invitation, nonetheless. You may feel distant from the Lord right now, but Jesus is always ready at the table, waiting for anyone to dine with Him. That invitation remains open to date.

The Holy Spirit and Jesus are depicted in the book of Ruth -Both Naomi and Boaz ensured Ruth’s protection. The book of Ruth shows the collaboration of the Trinity again, Naomi representing the Holy Spirit, guiding Ruth, giving her instructions on what to do next, guiding Ruth to recover her inheritance, and thrust her into a better destiny. So likewise, Holy Spirit is still active. He is our counselor and guide; He instructs us. Therefore, like Ruth, we should be careful to do as we are told to fulfill our destiny.

Boaz, a picture of Christ, taking is under His wings and Spreading His garments our us, His Bride-Being taken under One’s wings, stands for both protection and preservation. Under God’s wings is a place of shelter and protection from harm. Preservation, though, involves the continuation of a legacy or generation. God promises to bless up to a thousand generations when we obey Him (Deuteronomy 7:9). The blessings come from our union and obedience to Him; we are engaged to Him as His bride. In Ezekiel 16:8I spread My wing over you and covered your nakedness. Yes, I swore an oath to you and entered into a covenant with you, and you became Mine, says the LORD God. So Jesus as Boaz redeemed Ruth as a bride; every believer is betrothed to Christ as the bride. Christ and the Church are one (Ephesians 5:31-32, Revelation’s 21:9).

Although Boaz’s and Ruth’s story has been historically used to boast hope for unmarried people (singles), Boaz’s reflection of Christ, as shown above, applies to anyone going through a challenging time. Specific aspects of Christ’s attributes through Boaz can also be applied depending on the area of need one has. Can you Jesus as your everyday Boaz as your redeemer, healer, deliverer, shield, protector, provider, and the Lord of your everything and everything from now to eternity? Be assured that you will be provided for, and your descendants shall be blessed.