This week’s blog features an ongoing teaching series that explores the many facets of Jesus beyond the salvation experience. Today, we delve into the concept of Jesus as the living Word of God. According to John 1:1-5, the Word existed before time and was present even during its creation. The passage states that the Word was with God and was God. The Word was responsible for creating everything, and life was within the Word, which illuminated all humanity. The light shone in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. Revelation 19 describes Jesus as the Word of God, with eyes like blazing fire and many royal crowns on His head. He wears a robe dipped in blood, and only He knows His name. In exploring Jesus as the Word, we will cover His creativity, faithfulness, power, role as the Life-giver and sustainer, and His embodiment of the Truth.

Jesus as the Creative Word– Jesus is known as the Word of God, and one of His attributes is creative power. According to Psalm 33:6, the word of the LORD made the heavens and their starry hosts, and Colossians 1:16-17 states that all things were created through Him and for Him. The universe and all humans were created through God’s spoken word. Practically speaking, we can apply Christ’s creative attribute by declaring the word of God to seemingly dead or impossible situations in our lives. By doing so, we can expect to see positive outcomes. As Romans 4:17 states, Jesus can produce something out of nothing. Abraham believed by faith and received a son, and people have received new organs, barren women giving birth, blind eyes were opened, the lame walked, and the dead were raised through the spoken word of God. Find scripture that speaks to your seemingly impossible situation and watch Jesus create a solution.

Jesus as the Word is faithful- Psalm 33:4 assures us that the Lord’s word is always true, and we can have complete faith in everything He does. Psalm 12:6 confirms this, stating that the Lord’s words are pure like silver refined seven times in a furnace. Isaiah 55:11 also affirms that God’s word is powerful and effective and will always achieve its intended purpose. As for Jesus, we can trust him and his words completely – John 14:1-14 emphasizes this, with Jesus urging us to believe in him just as we believe in God. According to Psalm 84:14, the foundation of God’s throne is righteousness and justice, and love and faithfulness always accompany Him. We can have confidence that God will fulfill his promises to us and that he never lies – Numbers 29:11 clarifies that He is not human and therefore does not make false promises. We should trust in God and Jesus and believe they will always give us good things – Psalm 84:11 reminds us of this. Jesus is a faithful and reliable friend, and we can use his words to overcome any doubts, worries, fears, or anxieties we may face.

Jesus as the Word is powerful; The power of God is limitless and can influence any situation that affects the good of believers or goes against their enemies. Hebrews 4:12 states that God’s word is alive and dynamic, cutting through the soul and spirit, joints, and marrow and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Psalms 77:18 describes the thunderous voice of God that shakes the earth and lights up the skies with lightning. Jeremiah 10:13 further emphasizes the vastness of God’s power, causing water to flow from the heavens and lightning to strike the earth. Romans 1:16 confirms that the gospel is God’s power for salvation and is not to be ashamed of, for it is available to all who believe. God’s word creates, heals, and delivers, which is everlasting. Matthew 24:25 and Hebrews 13:8 affirm that God’s word endures forever and remains unchanging, trustworthy, and powerful.

Have you ever wondered what Christ accomplished in the past? And can he do it again today and in the future? His words always maintain their power and remain effective in all situations, no matter how impossible they may seem. As believers, we use our faith to fight battles but also wield the Sword of the Spirit – the word of God. Therefore, we must familiarize ourselves with Scripture, apply it to every challenge, and allow it to permeate difficult situations. I have come to understand that some of our struggles arise due to a lack of knowledge or understanding of God’s word and the principles it contains. We can overcome any obstacle by trusting in his word and his work. So, let us incorporate the word of God in our declarations, prayers, missions, goals, and everything else. Allow its power to propel us forward!