In my previous blog posts, I discussed Jesus’ attribute as the Bread of Life. God, in his creation of the universe, also made provisions for its sustenance. Similarly, when we accept Jesus, he also has a plan to sustain us through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. To maintain our vitality and productivity, we need to be nourished by the Bread of Life and remain connected to Him, who is the giver and sustainer of life. This week, I would like to introduce you to Jesus, the Light.

The concept of Light is significant in John 1:1-5, where Christ is referred to as the Word and the Light. Jesus himself also mentions that he is the Light in John 8:12. In the Bible, Light represents the truth, while darkness represents false teachings (1 John 4:2-6). The signs and miracles performed by Jesus demonstrate the unity of the Trinity. Light symbolizes purity and holiness, while darkness represents sin, deceit, evil, and wrongdoing (Gal 5:16-26). Being in the light means having a relationship with Jesus and abiding in him (John 15:1). To remain in the light, we need to desire to know, believe in, and fellowship with him. Walking in the light requires an intimate relationship with Christ. Our obedience, faith, character, and actions should reflect our devotion to the truth of God’s Word (Eph 5:8-14).

Christ is often referred to as Light, as He illuminates our lives and provides clarity and focus. Light reveals the truth and dispels darkness, allowing us to emerge victorious. Jesus, the Light of the world, shines upon all believers, as stated in Matthew 4:16-17. The people who were once in darkness have now seen a great light, and those in the shadow of death have been enlightened. From that moment on, Jesus began preaching and urging people to repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. By reading the Word and connecting with Jesus daily, we can ask for revelation. In Isaiah 60:1-2, God encourages us to arise and shine as our light has come, and His glory has risen upon us. Although darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the people, the Lord’s glory appears over us. Nations will come to our light, and kings will be drawn to the brightness of our dawn.

During prayer, it’s essential to ask God to increase your revelation and insight as you read His word. Request illumination and an increased understanding of everything you need to know. Ask for The light of Christ to reveal any hidden things that may be affecting your development and progress. Additionally, pray for the courage and boldness to pursue what God wants you to accomplish this month. May the Light of God and His glory shine upon you in everything you do.