In John 1:1-5, Jesus is described as “Life to all of humanity.” Christ, as life, nourishes our hearts and souls, but he also gives life to everything else in our lives. The Bible, or the Word of God, is the nutrition we need for daily sustenance because it contains instructions for every aspect of life. No wonder Jesus would say that we do not live by natural food but by the spoken word of God (Matthew 4:4; 6:35). What God creates, he is also the sustainer.

John 10:10 is a great promise Scripture that reminds us of the abundant life we have been provided. Jesus as Life also carries the distinct overtones of healing and deliverance Christ brought to the world, affording us abundant life. This abundant life then translates to prosperity in all areas of our lives ( 3 John 1:2)

This week, identify areas that still need to thrive in your life. Identify areas that are good but have died, find a Scripture that contradicts these areas, and declare God’s word to them. By speaking life to them, the collaboration of the Holy Spirit and the Word will be that area to life and prosperity.

Also, remember that God also provides in the wilderness. As the bread of life, Christ was the Manna that the Israelites ate in the wilderness while transitioning to the promised land. From experience, I have learned that provision in wilderness seasons can come as new ideas, revelations, new relationships, or new opportunities. So be open to how God will provide “Manna” for you if you are in wildness. Another lesson is that Scripture and prophesies you have heard will sustain you through the transition or wilderness period.

Lastly, each day is new, and God grants new mercy every day (Lamentations 3:22-23). God provides daily. Therefore, commit to reading the Bible daily and asking the Holy Spirit to highlight the verse you need for that day. Because the Holy Spirit has already seen how the end of the day will look like, partnering with him through Scripture will help you navigate your day successfully. This is how we advance spiritually. This is also how we gain fresh revelation and remain fruitful in all seasons (Psalm 1:2-3, Revelation 22:1-2).