God’s love for humanity extended beyond the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As we mostly know, God sent Jesus out of love to come to earth, seek the lost and die for the lost so that we can be reconciled to Him. But after the sacrificial death of Christ, God guaranteed that we would not return to our lost state by giving us a replacement to Jesus Christ, who was the promise of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus said I would not leave you as orphans but ask the Father to send you help, that helper was the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-18). When Jesus said, “lo I am with you to the end”, that was the Holy Spirit. When He said, “I will not leave or forsake you, that person is the Holy Spirit” (Matthew:28:20). When He said the Father and I would come and reside in you, He meant the Holy Spirit (John 14:23-26). The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit is ever-present presence of God the Father and God the Son in us. We always have the Godhead (the Trinity in us) since all are One. Furthermore, we have no lesser degree of either of them, but we have the capacity to function in the fullness of their attributes in us (Ephesians 3:14-21, 2 Peter 1:3-4).

The promise of the baptism by power and fire, which is the Holy Spirit, was not limited to spiritual matters; this promise should influence all areas of our lives. As believers, we often separate spiritual matters from other life issues. However, to the born-again Spirit-filled believer, everything is spiritual. Therefore, everything about us should also be born-again and Spirit-filled; if that is the case, the Holy Spirit should be involved in every area of our lives. He is the promise sent to provide us guidance, teach, fight, and advocate for us. He is to assist us in all things spiritual and all things natural. He can help in daily decision-making and problem-solving. The Holy Spirit can help by strengthening and giving us the wisdom to navigate various challenges in life. He is the friend in times of need, and He is the friend who is closer than a brother. He is our confidant. He strengthens when we are weak; He edifies when we are low, assures us when we are discouraged, And He is the comforter when we are betrayed, rejected, or abandoned. He is the wisdom, revelation, and knowledge. He is the heart of God and the mind of Christ that we need daily.

The Holy Spirit was meant to be involved in all areas of our lives; I encourage you to invite the Holy Spirit to all areas of your life. Invite Him to your finances, marriage, family, job or business, relationships, and meetings. In Him to your mind, thoughts, imagination, and dreams. Involve Him in your daily affairs, whether you are shopping, at the gym, or doing dishes. The Holy Spirit likes and wants to be involved in what you think may be mundane for Him. He loves taking the ordinary and transforming it into the extraordinary. He loves partnering with the natural to birth the supernatural. There is nothing too big or too small that the Holy Spirit cannot be involved in. Remember, He is the creative Hand of God. He was involved in creating the earth, celestial, and man. There is nothing so profound that the Holy Spirit cannot infiltrate. He can even read the human mind and heart (1 Corinthians 2:10, Romans 8:27). Nothing is impossible for the Holy Spirit. Involve the Holy Spirit in every aspect of your life. Invite Him to assist you in everything.