The beginning of the year is often marked with evaluations, strategies and goal setting. As we reflect on 2017, I am sure you can attest to the ups and downs that you encountered in that year. As life would have it, you celebrated victories and successes on one side and also faced challenges on one side. Nevertheless; the Lord saw you through.

So let’s start 2018 with thanksgiving for all God did in 2017. Let’s also usher 2018 with thanksgiving and praise for what He will do this year. In fact, let us praise Him for what He has already done in this first week of January 2018. I know many are already fasting and seeking God in prayer this month; consider incorporating thanksgiving, praise and worship in your prayers.

Rejoice also, that the One who sees the end from the beginning has already seen what is coming ahead. Jesus has already seen your December 31, 2018. Rejoice that He has already sent His Angels and heavenly hosts to go before you and the Cloud of His glory is behind you. Rejoice that He has already provided a hedge of protection; in Him there is abundant provision. As you set foot into 2018, commit your ways to the Lord and He shall establish them. Psalm 37:4-7, Proverbs 16:3.Pursue oneness with God this year; if you do, you shall see Him. John 17:22. Call on God and He will answer you. He will show you hidden things for 2018 that you do not know yet Jeremiah 33:3