Often when met with life’s challenges or obstacles, we may conclude that God is orchestrating our demise. This is far from the truth. The truth is that God has an outstanding plan for each of us. He devised this plan way in advance before we were born. Psalm 139 :16 says that God has book in which He outlined everything about you!

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed (Psalm 139:16). Hey, you have a manufacturer’s manual- God has already outlined everything about your life in this book. I believe among the prayers we should be praying is “Lord cause me to walk in the plans you have outlined in my book”. We should also pray daily for the Holy Spirit to help us align and execute what God has for us in that manual!

Above all though, God wants us to succeed in life. That is why He says in Jeremiah 29:11 that the plans He has for us are not to harm us, but to give us hope and future. Furthermore; God says that He will guide us with His eye upon us(Psalm 32:8). I also love that fact that our steps are ordered by God; and that God delights in the steps (goals, ambitions, dreams, visions) of a good person (Psalm 37: 23).

So, think about it, would God design a plan for you to frustrate you and make you miserable? Would God outline a plan that results in failure? No way Jose (pronounce Jose in Spanish). No way! In verse 24 of Psalm 37, the Bible says that “though you fall, you shall not be utterly cast down because the Lord will uphold you with His hand”. 1 Samuel 2:9 says the Lord guards the steps of His faithful ones. Psalm 66:9 says the Lord preserves our lives and keeps our feet from slipping.

As you write and plan your goals for 2019, do this confidently before the Lord (Hebrews 4:16). Commit your ways to the Lord and He will establish. Step out in action and execute your goals with courageous faith.  If you feel you have missed the mark; no worries there is fix for this too; Psalm 103:10-13 says God does not deal with us according to our sins nor does He reward us according to our iniquities. Instead God completely removes our iniquities and He pities us as a father would do. Out of His mercies, God will still uphold you and redirect you to the path of the original plan He had for you.  So, don’t feel left out. Make 2019 different. God ALWAYS wants you to succeed. God rejoices over us with singing- He rejoices over your success too. God is for you! Romans 8:31-39