While browsing the search engine for the spelling of Zacchaeus, I came across the images of Zacchaeus and his encounter with Lord. You can see why the spelling search was necessary. In Swahili he would be called Zakayo which is very easy to spell. Anyway, I took interest in the images and was pleased to finally see how Zacchaeus looked like.

In some images, you could see the Jesus depicted looking at Zacchaeus and summoning him to come down the tree and head to his home for dinner. I took interest Zacchaeus physical features; he was short, most people around him were taller, his vision was obscured, due to his physique, he may have struggled climbing up a tree, but he was determined to see the Lord. Zacchaeus was Hungry for God.

Jesus in turn noticed Zacchaeus and asked to dine with him. There are a few lessons to learn from this encounter; the main one being that God responds to our hunger. Our sins and imperfections do not matter and should not be a hindrance to seek God. Though a tax collector which was deemed worse sinners then, Zacchaeus was determined to see Jesus. As long as there is a true genuine hunger for an encounter with Him, God will respond.

Zacchaeus’s next encounter was dinner and fellowship with Jesus. Hunger draws us close to God- intimacy at a personal level with God. Throughout the Gospels, it was very rare for Jesus to have met people without teaching them, healing or delivering them. So, this hunger-bred intimacy results in revelation and insight from the Lord. Luke 19:1 -26 Salvation, Healings and deliverances can take place in private one on one encounters with God also.

Lastly, the effects of the hunger results in repentance and it also draws others to Jesus. Zacchaeus and his entire household were impacted by Jesus’s visit. Jesus even exclaimed; “today salvation has come to this house”. Personal encounters with God, should then leave us hungry to impact others. I strongly believe that we encounter God privately in order to impact many. Spiritual gifts and natural talents are not just given by God for us to feel happy about them, get slain by them, have all the gold dust we can have just for “having sake” Each gift, each impartation; each encounter is given so that we can impact many others. But it all starts with HUNGER.

This week pray for the hunger of God. Ask God to fill you with hunger for more revelation of who He is to you. Ask God and invite the Holy Spirit to come and dine with you. Set time to be alone with God. Seek God and the rest will be added. Hunger for more of God. He will respond.