Generally, transitions in life can be very intriguing. This applies to any type of transition especially when you a moving to new position, location and even when transitioning in spiritual matters. Whatever transition you are in right now, be assured that God has already provided for where He is taking you.

It is Faith thing- Spiritual maturity requires that we BELIEVE and OBEY God at His Word. I’ve learned that immediate obedience is walking in the fear of the Lord. I’m also learning that God will provide for the assignment He has commissioned you no matter where you are! Here are some examples:

Look at Joseph-Even in captivity God still provided shelter for him in pharaoh’s house. Though wrongly accused and imprisoned, God still granted Joseph favor with the prison guard and he Joseph become the prison’s administrator.(Genesis 39:20-23). From there God made Joseph the prime minister and pharaoh provide for Joseph and his extended family (Genesis 41:41-46).

Among Enemies- God still provided for Isaac when he dwelt with Abimelech. Isaac dug wells in barren lands, the Bible says he later sowed hundred fold. Abimelech recognized the hand of the Lord with Isaac based on the abundance of God’s provision for Isaac. Abimelech ended up requesting for peace treaty with Isaac (Genesis 26:1-30).

Look at the Israelites- They had the best diet and provision while in the desert. God provided not only manna, ut fresh water and preserved their clothing and shoes! (Deuteronomy 29:5-6) What a Mighty God we serve. This means that even in our dry seasons, God will provide!

This week trust God to provide for what He has called you to do. Be very careful of the nay-sayers and of YOUR OWN RATIONALIZATION. These may try to talk you out of your assignment. Logic is very good, but it has its downside too when it challenges what God has spoken. When God calls you to something, He has already seen the end of it and what will be required to accomplish the task. Be confident that He who started the good work in you will bring it to completion (Phil: 1:6). God sees the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10)

Psalm 32.8