While in prayer a few weeks ago, I heard the Lord say, “RIVERS and ALIGN”. I blogged about the Rivers last week, so this week I will share about the alignment that God is doing in this season. I am glad I waited to post on this, because the Lord kept elaborating on the alignment. This past Saturday He said, “I am aligning fragmented pieces”

We are truly in another great season with God. It is not only a time of refreshing and restoration but also a time of alignment. Alignment means (a) the act of aligning or state of being aligned; especially: the proper positioning or state of adjustment of parts in relation to each other (b) an arrangement of groups or forces in relation to one another.

To anyone who has sort God, who has been praying & fasting, who has faced challenge after challenge, adversity after adversity. For the one who keeps asking God “when Lord when” or Lord what about me? Take courage God is aligning things, plans, process, people and resources to fall into place. To quote word for word this is what the Lord shared-below;

The Lord is bringing everything into alignment; everything from the past every generational blessing from the past that needs to align with His timing. The Lord shared that in this season, everything about this alignment is like an alignment of a car wheel that needs to be aligned for the vehicle to move straight. God is doing is that. He is lining everything that needs to be aligned in your life and family by the Blood of the Lamb. This is a ’generational alignment”. So even if your past or ancestry is messed up, God is still bringing you into His alignment because the Blood of Jesus broke every curse; the negative generation stuff has no influence on you.  Isaiah 53:3, Galatians 3:13

The reason God used a vehicle as an example is so that you can accelerate once an alignment has been done. This alignment means being in the right time, with the right people, the right connections, the right environment to thrive. This alignment is not just an alignment. It is (1) a generational alignment (2) it will produce that which God has planned. God will also release “Rivers of the Holy Spirit” and that the Rivers will expedite the growth of what needs to be produced and fruits are generational to bless and impact future generations.   With this alignment, even that which was lost will be restored.

This week, read Job 37 the entire chapter. Only believe, NOTHING is impossible with God. God is aligning and accelerating all that concerns you so that you can bear generational fruits(blessings)